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Which two features would be used for DNS doctoring on an SRX Series firewall? (Choose two.)
DNS doctoring is a feature that allows the SRX Series firewall to modify the IP address in a DNS response based on a static NAT rule. This can be useful when the DNS server returns an IP address that is not reachable by the client, such as a private IP address or an IP address from a different network. To use DNS doctoring, the following requirements must be met:
The DNS ALG must be enabled. The DNS ALG is responsible for parsing the DNS messages and performing the IP address translation. The DNS ALG can be enabled globally or per security policy. To enable the DNS ALG globally, use the commandset security alg dns enable. To enable the DNS ALG per security policy, use the commandset security policies from-zone zone1 to-zone zone2 policy policy1 then permit application-services application-firewall rule-set rule-set-name application junos-dns.
Static NAT must be configured for the IP address that needs to be translated. Static NAT is a type of NAT that maps a fixed IP address to another fixed IP address. Static NAT can be configured using the commandset security nat static rule-set rule-set-name rule rule-name match destination-address addressandset security nat static rule-set rule-set-name rule rule-name then static-nat prefix prefix.Reference:
Understanding DNS ALG and NAT Doctoring
Disabling DNS ALG and NAT Doctoring
SRX Getting Started - Configure DNS
Referring to the exhibit, which statement is true?
According to the Juniper documentation, a custom block list feed is a user-defined list of IP addresses or URLs that are considered malicious or unwanted. A custom block list feed can be configured to override the default Juniper Seclntel block list feed, which is a cloud-based service that provides a list of known malicious IP addresses and URLs. To override the Juniper Seclntel block list feed, the custom block list feed must have a higher priority value than the Juniper Seclntel block list feed. In the exhibit, the custom block list feed has a priority value of 10, which is higher than the default priority value of 5 for the Juniper Seclntel block list feed. Therefore, this custom block list feed will be used instead of the Juniper Seclntel block list feed.Reference: : [Configuring Custom Block List Feeds]
According to the log shown in the exhibit, you notice the IPsec session is not establishing.
What is the reason for this behavior?
Your company recently acquired a competitor. You want to use using the same IPv4 address space as your company.
Referring to the exhibit, which two actions solve this problem? (Choose two)
To solve the problem of using the same IPv4 address space as your company, you can identify two neutral IPv4 address spaces for address translation. This will allow you to use the same IPv4 address space as your company without any conflicts. Additionally, you can configure static NAT on the SRX Series devices to ensure that the traffic is properly routed between the two networks.
SRX Getting Started - Configure VPN tunnel for site-to-site connectivity
SRX & J Series Site-to-Site VPN Configurator
The appropriate mitigation actions for the selected incident are to block malware IP addresses (download server or CnC server) and to deploy IVP integration (if configured) to confirm if the endpoint has executed the malware and is infected. This is because the incident shows a progression level of ''Download'' in the kill chain, which means that the malware has been downloaded and is likely to be executed. Blocking the malware IP addresses can prevent further communication with the malicious server and stop the malware from receiving commands or exfiltrating data. Deploying IVP integration can help verify the infection status of the endpoint and provide additional information about the malware behavior and impact. IVP integration is an optional feature that allows the ATP Appliance to interact with third-party endpoint security solutions such as Carbon Black, Cylance, and CrowdStrike.Reference:
Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance Solution Brief
Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance Datasheet
[Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance Mitigation Actions]
[Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance IVP Integration]