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In the Juniper Apstra Ul. which two resource types would be created in the Resources menu? (Choose two.)
IPv4 (including Host IPv4)
IPv6 (including Host IPv6)
ASN (autonomous system number)
VNI (virtual network identifier)
VLAN (virtual local area network)
Integer (used for pool type VLAN in local pools in Freeform blueprints)
Which protocol is used to advertise EVPN routes?
BGP is the protocol used to advertise EVPN routes. EVPN routes are a new type of BGP network layer reachability information (NLRI) that carry MAC address and IP prefix information for Ethernet VPNs. EVPN routes are exchanged between PEs using BGP multiprotocol extensions (MP-BGP) over MPLS, VXLAN, SR, or SRv6 tunnels. EVPN routes enable PEs to learn the reachability of MAC addresses and IP prefixes of different sites within the same EVPN instance. EVPN routes also support various features such as fast convergence, redundancy, aliasing, and inter-subnet routing. The other options are incorrect because:
A) OSPF is wrong because OSPF is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that is used to advertise IP routes within an autonomous system. OSPF is not used to advertise EVPN routes, which are a type of BGP NLRI that carry MAC address and IP prefix information for Ethernet VPNs.
C) IS-IS is wrong because IS-IS is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that is used to advertise IP routes and MPLS labels within an autonomous system. IS-IS is not used to advertise EVPN routes, which are a type of BGP NLRI that carry MAC address and IP prefix information for Ethernet VPNs.
D) RIP is wrong because RIP is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that is used to advertise IP routes within an autonomous system. RIP is not used to advertise EVPN routes, which are a type of BGP NLRI that carry MAC address and IP prefix information for Ethernet VPNs.Reference:
RFC 9136 - IP Prefix Advertisement in Ethernet VPN (EVPN)
EVPN Type-5 Routes: IP Prefix Advertisement
Understanding EVPN Pure Type 5 Routes
You are working with a three-stage IP fabric using EBGP for peering.
In this scenario, which two actions are required to implement ECMP? (Choose two.)
To implement ECMP in IP fabric using EBGP, you need to enable BGP to install multiple equal-cost paths in the routing table and to advertise them to the peers. The following actions are required to achieve this:
B) Use a load balancing policy applied to BGP as an export policy. This is true because you need to apply a load balancing policy to BGP as an export policy to allow BGP to advertise multiple paths to the same destination to the peers. By default, BGP only advertises the best path to the peers, which prevents ECMP. A load balancing policy can be configured to match the desired routes and set the multipath attribute to true. This will enable BGP to advertise up to the maximum number of paths configured by the maximum-paths command. For example, the following configuration applies a load balancing policy to BGP as an export policy for the neighbor
policy-statement load-balance { term 1 { from { route-filter exact; } then { multipath; accept; } } } protocols { bgp { group ebgp { type external; neighbor { export load-balance; } } } }
C) Use the multipath multiple-as BGP parameter. This is true because you need to enable the multipath multiple-as BGP parameter to allow BGP to install multiple paths from different autonomous systems in the routing table. By default, BGP only installs multiple paths from the same autonomous system, which limits ECMP. The multipath multiple-as parameter can be configured under the BGP group or neighbor level. This will enable BGP to install up to the maximum number of paths configured by the maximum-paths command. For example, the following configuration enables the multipath multiple-as parameter for the BGP group ebgp:
protocols { bgp { group ebgp { type external; multipath multiple-as; } } }
The following options are incorrect because:
A) Use a load balancing policy applied to the forwarding table as an export policy is wrong because applying a load balancing policy to the forwarding table does not affect the BGP advertisement or installation of multiple paths. A load balancing policy applied to the forwarding table only affects how the traffic is distributed among the multiple paths in the forwarding table. It does not enable ECMP in BGP.
D) Use a load balancing policy applied to BGP as an import policy is wrong because applying a load balancing policy to BGP as an import policy does not affect the BGP advertisement of multiple paths. A load balancing policy applied to BGP as an import policy only affects how the BGP routes are accepted or rejected from the peers. It does not enable ECMP in BGP.Reference:
IP Fabric Underlay Network Design and Implementation
Example: Configure an EVPN-VXLAN Centrally-Routed Bridging Fabric Using EBGP
You want to add a configuration that is not supported by Juniper Apstra reference architecture using a configlet.
Which two configurations would be applicable in this scenario? (Choose two.)
SNMP access policy
Management ACLs
Control plane policing
Username / password
Which two actions are required during Juniper Apstra's deploy phase? (Choose two.)
Assign user roles to the blueprint.This action is not required during the deploy phase. User roles are defined at the system level, not at the blueprint level. User roles determine the permissions and access levels of different users in the Apstra system. User roles can be system-defined or custom-defined .
Assign interface maps to the blueprint.This action is not required during the deploy phase. Interface maps are defined at the design phase, not at the deploy phase. Interface maps are objects that map the logical interfaces of a logical device to the physical interfaces of a device profile. Interface maps enable the Apstra system to generate the correct interface configuration for each device in the fabric .Reference: