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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Juniper in their Juniper JN0-231 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Juniper Security, Associate exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Juniper JN0-231 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Which two UTM features should be used for tracking productivity and corporate user behavior? (Choose two.)
You are asked to configure your SRX Series device to block all traffic from certain countries. The solution must be automatically updated as IP prefixes become allocated to those certain countries.
Which Juniper ATP solution will accomplish this task?
Juniper ATP Geo IP can help to accomplish this task by using geolocation services to determine the geographical location of IP addresses. As IP prefixes get allocated to the countries that you have specified, the Geo IP solution will automatically update the configured firewall policies to block any traffic that is coming from those specific countries.
This is a great solution for blocking specific countries - as it will allow for a more personalized and targeted approach to firewall policies - and thus, to increase the effectiveness of the solution at blocking potential malicious traffic.
You need to collect the serial number of an SRX Series device to replace it. Which command will accomplish this task?
Which two non-configurable zones exist by default on an SRX Series device? (Choose two.)
Junos-host and null are two non-configurable zones that exist by default on an SRX Series device. Junos-host is the default zone for all internal interfaces and services, such as management and other loopback interfaces. The null zone is used to accept all traffic that is not explicitly accepted by other security policies, and is the default zone for all unclassified traffic. Both zones cannot be modified or deleted.
Which two statements are correct about IPsec security associations? (Choose two.)
The two statements that are correct about IPsec security associations are that they are bidirectional and that they are established during IKE Phase 2 negotiations. IPsec security associations are bidirectional, meaning that they provide security for both incoming and outgoing traffic. IPsec security associations are established during IKE Phase 2 negotiations, which negotiates the security parameters and establishes the security association between the two peers. For more information, please refer to the Juniper Networks IPsec VPN Configuration Guide, which can be found on Juniper's website.