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Which Python operator is used to test if two variables are equal?
In Python, the == operator is used to test whether two variables are equal. It returns True if the variables are equal and False if they are not.
Option B (==) is correct because it is the equality operator in Python.
Option A (!=) is used for inequality, Option C (%) is the modulus operator, and Option D (=) is used for assignment, not for testing equality.
Supporting Reference:
Python Documentation on Operators: The official Python documentation covers the use of == for equality checks.
Which two statements are valid regarding Junos automation? (Choose two.)
In Junos automation, several processes handle API requests, and understanding which process handles what is crucial:
jsd Process:
XML API Calls (A): The jsd process is responsible for handling XML API calls, which are a significant part of Junos automation. XML API allows for structured and standardized communication with Junos devices, enabling automation scripts to query and configure devices.
JET API Requests (C): The jsd process also handles JET (Junos Extension Toolkit) API requests. JET provides a more modern, programmable interface for interacting with Junos OS, and jsd is the process that manages these interactions.
mgd Process (Incorrect Option):
Not for JET API Requests: The mgd process handles general management operations, such as CLI commands and managing the configuration database, but it does not handle JET API requests. That role is fulfilled by jsd.
mod Process (Incorrect Option):
Not for XML API Calls: The mod process deals with managing chassis components and is not involved in handling XML API calls.
Juniper Networks JET and XML API Documentation: Describes the roles of jsd in handling both XML and JET API requests.
Junos Automation and DevOps Documentation: Provides insights into how different processes interact with Junos APIs.
Which two statements about NETCONF layers are correct? (Choose two.)
NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) is a standard protocol defined for managing network devices. NETCONF operates in a layered architecture, which includes the following key layers:
Operations Layer: This layer deals with the actual operations like <get-config>, <edit-config>, <copy-config>, and others. It receives RPC (Remote Procedure Call) requests from a remote NETCONF client and processes these requests.
Messages Layer: This layer is responsible for encoding the RPCs and sending them over the network. It handles the communication between the NETCONF client and server, ensuring that the RPC messages are correctly formatted (usually in XML) and transmitted.
Statement B is correct because the Messages layer is responsible for sending RPCs to a remote NETCONF server.
Statement C is correct because the Operations layer is where the NETCONF server receives and processes the RPCs sent by the client.
Supporting Reference:
Juniper Networks NETCONF Documentation: Provides a detailed breakdown of the NETCONF protocol layers and their functions.
RFC 6241: The official specification for NETCONF, which describes the layered architecture, including the operations and messages layers.
You want to use a Python package or module.
In this scenario, which statement would accomplish this task?
In Python, to use a package or module, you use the import statement. This statement allows you to load a module into your script so that you can use its functions, classes, and variables. For example, if you wanted to use the math module, you would write import math. This makes all the functions and constants in the math module available for use in your program.
Option A (reap), B (dir), and C (input) do not serve the purpose of importing modules. dir is used to list the attributes of an object, input is used to get user input, and reap is not a valid Python command related to importing modules.
Supporting Reference:
Python Documentation on Imports: The Python documentation provides clear guidelines on how to use the import statement to include modules in your Python scripts.
What are two Junos PyEZ configuration object methods? (Choose two.)
In Junos PyEZ, the Config object provides various methods for interacting with device configurations. Two of the key methods are:
lock(): This method locks the candidate configuration database to prevent other users or processes from making changes while you are modifying the configuration.
config(): This method is used to create a Config object that represents the configuration database, allowing you to load, modify, and commit configuration changes.
Option C (lock) and Option D (config) are correct because they are valid methods provided by the PyEZ Config object.
Option A (commie) and Option B (device) are incorrect as they are not methods of the Config object.
Supporting Reference:
Junos PyEZ Documentation: Details the methods available in the Config object, including lock() and config().