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You need to recover the root password on a Junos router without losing the current configuration settings.
Which three statements describe what you should perform in this scenario? (Choose three.)
To recover the root password on a Junos router without losing the configuration, you should (A) enter and commit the new root password once you have gained access to the system, (D) hit the space bar to interrupt the boot process and enter recovery mode when prompted during the boot process, and (E) use a console connection to reboot the device and access the bootloader prompt. These steps allow you to reset the root password while preserving the existing configuration.
You have logged on to a Junos device and are at the operational mode prompt.
Which two commands are used at this prompt? (Choose two.)
At the operational mode prompt on a Junos device, you can use various commands to view the device's status and request system operations. The show interface ge-0/0/0 command is used to display information about a specific interface, while the request system shutdown command is used to properly shut down the device. The set command is used in configuration mode, not operational mode, and the run command is used to execute operational mode commands from configuration mode.
What does the user@router> clear log ospf-trace command accomplish?
The clear log ospf-trace command on a Juniper Networks router is used specifically to manage the contents of the log file named ospf-trace. Executing this command clears or deletes the existing data within the ospf-trace log file but does not stop the logging process. The router continues to log new OSPF-related events and data into this file after the command is executed. This functionality is crucial for troubleshooting and monitoring the OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol's operation by allowing network administrators to remove old or irrelevant log data while continuously capturing new events without interruption.
You have just increased the MTU size of interface ge-0/0/0 and committed the configuration.
Which command would help you identify the applied MTU change?
After increasing the MTU size of an interface and committing the configuration, the command to verify the applied MTU change is D, 'show interfaces ge-0/0/0.' This command displays detailed information about the interface, including the current MTU size, making it the best choice for verifying the applied changes.
Which two statements are correct about MAC addresses? (Choose two.)
MAC (Media Access Control) addresses are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces for communications at the data link layer of a network segment. MAC addresses are used to identify the physical hardware on a network. In the context of Ethernet switches, the destination MAC address in incoming frames is used to determine the appropriate output port for forwarding the frame towards its final destination. The switch does not change the destination MAC address; it uses the MAC address to make forwarding decisions within the local network segment.