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Which of the test cases below will exercise both outcomes from decision 2? [K3]
Refer to the exhibit
How can test execution tools be of most benefit during exploratory testing?
Exploratory testing is used when it is unclear what the system is supposed to do. Therefore test execution tools are of little use because expected results cannot be predicted.
However, the record feature of a test execution tool can be used to log the actions performed so that defects can be recreated (option (A)) and rectified more easily.
Which of the following is a non-functional requirement?
Non-functional requirements define how the system performs a certain function, rather than specific behaviors or functions of the system. Security, performance, usability, reliability, and maintainability are common examples of non-functional requirements. Ensuring the security of customer details is a non-functional requirement because it specifies a quality attribute that the system must have. Reference: ISTQB CTFL Syllabus V4.0, Section 4.1.
Testing should be stopped when:
Testing should be stopped based on risk criteria defined for the system being tested. The ISTQB CTFL syllabus v4.0 outlines that the decision to stop testing is influenced by risk levels, coverage achieved, time and budget constraints, and the criticality of the system under test. Stopping criteria should ensure that the risk of remaining defects is acceptable for the project stakeholders.
Which list of levels of tester independence is in the correct order, starting with the most independent first?
This option has someone nearer to the written code in each statement. All other options are not in this order.
Tester independence refers to the degree to which the tester is separate from the development team to avoid bias and increase the objectivity of the tests. The highest level of independence is achieved when tests are designed by someone from an entirely different company, followed by someone from a different department within the same company, and then by another member of the development team. The lowest level of independence is when tests are designed by the author of the code being tested.