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You are responsible for porting a performance testing tool to a new operating system. You are at what stage in the tool's lifecycle? [1]
Assume that you are part of a team conducting test design for a new university system that will allow students to update their own personal information. The Test
Strategy states that positive and negative testing should be carried out. along with performance, security and interoperability testing against all new requirements.
The following requirements have been identified by stakeholders:
1. Students must be able to make changes to the following information:
a Name (due to marital status)
b Marital status
c. Home address
d. Home telephone number
e. Email address
f. Mobile telephone number
g. Contact details in case of emergency
2 Only Reception staff must have access to the information held.
3 The system must support 2000 concurrent users and details updated on the system within 20 seconds.
4. Interoperability of the new system with the other systems maintained by the University for student Registrations.
Test analysis for functional and non-functional testing has iust bequn and the following test conditions have been identified:
Which one of the following is a valid test condition that is missing from the table of test conditions and has clear traceability back to the test strategy and requirements?
Your last project was released three months ago and used a risk-based approach. In production, a number of serious failures in low risk areas have occurred.
What is the most important lesson to be learned from this information? [2]
You have initiated a test process improvement project for your organisation using the STEP model. You have agreed the objectives, goals, scope and coverage of the process improvements with the stakeholders and defined the success criteria that will be applied to the project. Success criteria make risk reduction the most important target benefit for the process improvements, but overall return on investment is also an important consideration. You have just received the initial test
assessment report.
Which ONE of the following would be the next step? SELECT ONE OPTION