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Part 5 "Testing of Software Characteristics"
''The test team has been struggling to achieve major benefits using the test execution tool sine they purchased it. Training in use of this tool has been given bt staff turn-over is rather high. Script maintenance seems to be a problem.
A company wants to develop a web site to implement an on-line sales channel. Which TWO ISO 9126 quality attributes are most likely to be of importance? 1 credit [K2]
Which of the following is a valid way to calculate the cyclomatic complexity? 1 credit [K2]
Part 1 "Test Techniques various"
An embedded software company is considering to improve the quality of its software components to be delivered to the integration team. After studying various experience papers that report a higher level of quality for software components, two main alternative techniques are identified:
static analysis and dynamic analysis.
In deciding which one is most applicable and how they relate to each other a detailed study is performed. Which of the following are TWO key similarities between static analysis and dynamic analysis? 2 credits [K4]
Part 1 "Test Techniques various"
A component has been analyzed as being highly critical. Which of the following structure-based test design techniques provides the highest level of coverage? 1 credit [K2]
The comment frequency of the code fragment is 13%. To which ISO 9126 quality attribute does a good level of comment frequency especially contribute? 1 credit [K2]