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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by iSQI in their iSQI IREB_CPRE_FL exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their iSQI IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering – Foundation Level exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the iSQI IREB_CPRE_FL exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
As part of the "UniKasso" project, the "CRETIL" company is standardising the payment methods for all customers. The requirements specification has been created and the first release is currently being implemented. This week, the management has decided to include the implementation of the "credit card" mode of payment in the first release and to shift the "direct debit" mode of payment to the second release. The test manager receives the order to adjust the test planning accordingly. Which particular characteristic of the requirements will facilitate the work of the test manager significantly in this respect? (1 Point)
In requirements engineering, a differentiation is made between system scope and context scope. In both cases it is possible that so-called grey zones may appear. For each statement, indicate if it is true or false. (2 Points)
You are to create a requirements specification for an internet banking software. The system shall perform bank credit transfers and therefore receives from the user, among other information, the bank identification code and the name of the bank. Now things have changed so that only the bank identification code must be entered by the user and the bank name is no longer required. On which part of your documentation do you most likely have to work in order to incorporate this change? (2 Points)
Listed below you will find four reasons why different views of individual components of the requirements are used instead of a single view displaying all the requirements and attributes. Which of the following reasons are true and which are false? (2 Points)
The following state diagram is to be found in a requirements specification for an order management system. Which of the following requirements is consistent with the diagram and which are not? (2 Points)