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Given the following state transition diagram where SS is the start state:
Which of the following answers describes a test case that only uses valid transitions to exercise all states, using the minimum number of transitions?
According to the syllabus, state transition testing is a technique that tests the behaviour of a system or component based on its transitions between states. A state transition diagram is a graphical representation of the states and transitions of a system or component. A test case that uses valid transitions to exercise all states should cover all the nodes and edges in the diagram. The answer D is correct because it covers all the four states (SS, S1, S2, S3) and all the five transitions (SS-S1, S1-S3, S3-S2, S2-SS, SS-S3) in the diagram. The other answers are incorrect because they either miss some states or transitions or use more transitions than necessary.
Which of the following statements contradicts the general principles of testing?
The general principles of testing state that testing can show the presence of defects, but not their absence. Running the same test set more often will not increase the likelihood of finding new defects, unless the system or its environment changes. Therefore, statement A contradicts the general principles of testing. Statement B is true, as testing is context-dependent and should be tailored to the specific situation of a project. Statement C is also true, as early testing can help prevent defects and reduce rework. Statement D is true, as it reflects the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule, which states that most defects are found in a small subset of a system's modules.
Which of the following statements about use cases and use case testing is NOT TRUE?
The statement that use cases are normally derived from decision tables is not true. Decision tables are a technique to represent complex logical conditions in a tabular form, where each column represents a possible combination of conditions and actions. Use cases are a technique to describe how a system interacts with one or more actors (users or other systems) to achieve a specific goal. Use cases are not derived from decision tables, but from the requirements and the user's perspective of the system.
Which type of review has the following main purposes:
discussing, making decisions, evaluating alternatives, finding defects, solving technical problems and checking conformance to specifications, plans, regulations, and standards?
Which one of the following is an example of how product risk analysis can influence the testing approach?
The other options are not examples of how product risk analysis can influence the testing approach, because they are either not related to product risks or not based on risk levels. They are: