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Which of the following statements about retrospectives is true?
Retrospectives are critical for continuous improvement in Agile projects. They involve not only identifying process improvements but also planning their implementation and ensuring they are retained, considering the specific context of the project, such as the software development lifecycle. This holistic approach ensures that improvements are practical and sustainable.
ISTQB CTFL Syllabus 4.0, Chapter 2.1.6, page 26: Retrospectives and Process Improvement
Which of the following is an example of scenario-oriented acceptance criteria?
Scenario-oriented acceptance criteria describe how a system should behave in a specific situation or scenario. These criteria are typically written from the end-user's perspective and focus on user interactions and system responses. Option D fits this description as it outlines a specific scenario where a user is already logged in and describes the expected behavior when the user navigates to a particular page, which is to show the report of the last test run. This type of criterion ensures that the system meets user expectations in that scenario.
Which of the following is a factor that contributes to a successful review?
A factor that contributes to a successful review is ensuring that all participants are trained to understand the review type and its objectives. This training helps participants to effectively contribute to the review process, identify issues, and suggest improvements. Proper training also fosters a constructive and collaborative review environment.
Which of the following statements describes regression testing?
I . Retesting of a fixed defect
II . Testing of an already tested program
III . Testing of new functionality in a program
IV . Regression testing applies only to functional testing
V Tests that do not nave to be repeatable, because They are only used once
Which of the following lists factors That contribute to PROJECT risks?
Project risks are the uncertainties or threats that may affect the project objectives, such as scope, schedule, cost, and quality. According to the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) v4.0 syllabus, some of the factors that contribute to project risks are:
Skill and staff shortages: This factor refers to the lack of adequate or qualified human resources to perform the project tasks. This may result in delays, errors, rework, or low productivity.
Problems in defining the right requirements: This factor refers to the difficulties or ambiguities in eliciting, analyzing, specifying, validating, or managing the requirements of the project. This may result in misalignment, inconsistencies, gaps, or changes in the requirements, affecting the project scope and quality.
Contractual issues: This factor refers to the challenges or disputes that may arise from the contractual agreements between the project parties, such as clients, suppliers, vendors, or subcontractors. This may result in legal, financial, or ethical risks, affecting the project delivery and satisfaction.
The other options are not correct because they list factors that contribute to PRODUCT risks, not project risks. Product risks are the uncertainties or threats that may affect the quality or functionality of the software product or system. Some of the factors that contribute to product risks are:
Poor software quality characteristics: This factor refers to the lack of adherence or compliance to the quality attributes or criteria of the software product or system, such as reliability, usability, security, performance, or maintainability. This may result in defects, failures, or dissatisfaction of the users or stakeholders.
Software does not perform its intended functions: This factor refers to the deviation or discrepancy between the expected and actual behavior or output of the software product or system. This may result in errors, faults, or malfunctions of the software product or system.
Reference= ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) v4.0 syllabus, Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Testing, Section 1.5: Risks and Testing, Pages 14-16.