Free iSQI CTFL-AcT Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CTFL-AcT were last updated On Feb 16, 2025

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Question No. 1

How does ISTQB CTFL test activities relate to the IQBBA FL business analysis and requirements engineering activities?

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Correct Answer: D

Question No. 2

Assume you are testing functionality of the interface of an elevator. One of the requirements is that the elevator can work only if the total weight of the passengers does not exceed 200 kg. The elevator can reach the following floors: Ground Floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor. You want to create an acceptance test using the Gherkin language. You can use the following phrases for this purpose:

i. the total weight of passengers is greater than 200 kg

ii. the elevator is on the Ground Floor

iii. a button '1st floor' was pressed

iv. the elevator goes to the 1st floor

v. a passenger standing at the 2nd floor calls the elevator

vi. a message 'too many passengers' is displayed on the screen

Which of the following statements correctly matches constructs of Given/When/Then with a relevant phrase in order to create a correct test case for the given requirement?

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 3

How are beta testing and acceptance testing related?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 4

Which one of the following test design techniques fits accepting testing purposes BEST?

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Correct Answer: C

Question No. 5

You are leading a brand new project team whose members are coming from all over the organization and have no former experience in working together. You need to build a common vision and team spirit. What workshop would fit BEST:

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Correct Answer: A