Free iSQI CSeT-F Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CSeT-F were last updated On Dec 17, 2024

Question No. 1

which of the following may be used as a closing tag?

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Correct Answer: A

A closing tag is used to indicate the end of an HTML element. It is typically in the form of '</element>'. For example, the closing tag for the <html> element is </html>. This tag is used to indicate the end of the HTML document.

Question No. 2

Which of the following states for a link WebElement could be checked to ensure that trying to click on the WebElement does not fail?

Choose three of the seven answers

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Correct Answer: B, D, F

To ensure that trying to click on a WebElement does not fail, you need to check that the WebElement exists, is displayed, and is enabled. Checking that the WebElement is selected or at a particular X,Y location is not necessary for clicking on the WebElement to not fail. Checking that the WebElement has a text value is also not necessary, as the text value is not necessary for the WebElement to be clicked.

Question No. 3

Which of the following is a good definition for DOM?

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Correct Answer: A

The Document Object Model (DOM) is an API interface which treats an HTML document as a tree-like structure, where each node represents an object. It allows for manipulation of the HTML document, allowing for the creation, modification, and deletion of elements and their attributes. It is useful for creating dynamic webpages and applications.

Question No. 4

If you need to test the content within a specific frame in a web page, which one of the following is the BEST approach for gaining access to the frame?

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Correct Answer: D

The best approach for gaining access to a specific frame in a web page is to use the switch_to class to switch to the desired frame. This can be done with the following code:


The frame_id can be obtained from the page source. Once you have switched to the frame, you can access the elements within the frame using the usual WebDriver commands.

logging Logging facility for Python Python 3.11.1 documentation

logging - When to use the different log levels - Stack Overflow

Enable diagnostics logging - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn

Question No. 5

Which of the following methods can find an element by its class name? Select two options

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Correct Answer: A, D

The correct methods for finding an element by its class name are A. findelementbycssselector and D. findelementbytagname. The findelementbycssselector() method can be used to locate an element by its class name, while the findelementbytagname() method can be used to locate an element using the tag name of the element (such as 'div', 'span', 'a', etc).