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Which of the following plans is designed to protect critical business processes from natural or man-made failures or disasters and the resultant loss of capital due to the unavailability of normal business processes?
The business continuity plan is designed to protect critical business processes from natural or man-made failures or disasters and the
resultant loss of capital due to the unavailability of normal business processes.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is the creation and validation of a practiced logistical plan for how an organization will recover and restore
partially or completely interrupted critical (urgent) functions within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption. The logistical
plan is called a business continuity plan.
Answer C is incorrect. The crisis communication plan can be broadly defined as the plan for the exchange of information before, during,
or after a crisis event. It is considered as a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an
individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation.
The aim of crisis communication plan is to assist organizations to achieve continuity of critical business processes and information flows under
crisis, disaster or event driven circumstances.
Answer A is incorrect. A contingency plan is a plan devised for a specific situation when things could go wrong. Contingency plans are
often devised by governments or businesses who want to be prepared for anything that could happen. Contingency plans include specific
strategies and actions to deal with specific variances to assumptions resulting in a particular problem, emergency, or state of affairs. They also
include a monitoring process and 'triggers' for initiating planned actions. They are required to help governments, businesses, or individuals to
recover from serious incidents in the minimum time with minimum cost and disruption.
Answer D is incorrect. A disaster recovery plan should contain data, hardware, and software that can be critical for a business. It
should also include the plan for sudden loss such as hard disc crash. The business should use backup and data recovery utilities to limit the
loss of data.
Which of the following statements are true about declarative security?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
Declarative security applies the security policies on the software applications at their runtime. In this type of security, the security decisions
are based on explicit statements that confine security behavior. Declarative security applies security permissions that are required for the
software application to access the local resources and provides role-based access control to an individual software component and software
application. It is employed in a layer that relies outside of the software code or uses attributes of the code.
Answer C is incorrect. In declarative security, authentication decisions are coarse-grained in nature from an operational or external
security perspective.
Which of the following are the goals of risk management?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
There are three goals of risk management as follows:
Identifying the risk
Assessing the impact of potential threats
Finding an economic balance between the impact of the risk and the cost of the countermeasure
Answer C is incorrect. Identifying the accused does not come under the scope of risk management.
Which of the following are the responsibilities of the owner with regard to data in an information classification program? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
The following are the responsibilities of the owner with regard to data in an information classification program:
Determining what level of classification the information requires.
Reviewing the classification assignments at regular time intervals and making changes as the business needs change.
Delegating the responsibility of the data protection duties to a custodian.
An information owner can be an executive or a manager of an organization. He will be responsible for the asset of information that must be
Answer B is incorrect. Running regular backups and routinely testing the validity of the backup data is the responsibility of a custodian.
You are the project manager of the CUL project in your organization. You and the project team are assessing the risk events and creating a probability and impact matrix for the identified risks. Which one of the following statements best describes the requirements for the data type used in qualitative risk analysis?
Of all the choices only this answer is accurate. The PMBOK clearly states that the data must be accurate and unbiased to be credible.
Answer D is incorrect. This is not a valid statement about the qualitative risk analysis data.
Answer A is incorrect. This is not a valid statement about the qualitative risk analysis data.
Answer B is incorrect. This is not a valid statement about the qualitative risk analysis data.