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Which of the following is a MAIN benefit of using Security as a Service (SECaaS) providers?
A MAIN benefit of using Security as a Service (SECaaS) providers is thatsignificant investments and specialized security skills are not required. SECaaS is a type of cloud service model that provides security solutions and services to customers over the internet. SECaaS providers can offer various security functions such as antivirus, firewall, encryption, identity management, vulnerability scanning, and incident response. By using SECaaS providers, customers can save costs and resources on acquiring, maintaining, and updating security hardware and software. Customers can also leverage the expertise and experience of the SECaaS providers to address their security needs and challenges.
The second line of defense in cybersecurity includes:
The second line of defense in cybersecurity includes risk management monitoring, and measurement of controls. This is because the second line of defense is responsible for ensuring that the first line of defense (the operational managers and staff who own and manage risks) is effectively designed and operating as intended. The second line of defense also provides guidance, oversight, and challenge to the first line of defense. The other options are not part of the second line of defense, but rather belong to the first line of defense (A), the third line of defense C, or an external service provider (D).
An information security procedure indicates a requirement to sandbox emails. What does this requirement mean?
An information security procedure that indicates a requirement to sandbox emails means that the emails need to be isolated and tested for malicious content. This is because sandboxing is a technique that creates a virtual or isolated environment, where suspicious or untrusted emails can be executed or analyzed without affecting the rest of the system or network. Sandboxing helps to detect and prevent malware, phishing, or spam attacks that may be embedded in emails, and protect the users and the organization from potential harm. The other options are not what sandboxing emails means, but rather different concepts or techniques that are related to information security, such as encryption and nonrepudiation (A), backup and recovery (B), or firewall and delivery (D).
Which of the following is MOST important to ensure the successful implementation of continuous auditing?
The MOST important factor to ensure the successful implementation of continuous auditing is top management support. This is because top management support helps to provide the vision, direction, and resources for implementing continuous auditing within the organization. Top management support also helps to overcome any resistance or challenges that may arise from implementing continuous auditing, such as cultural change, stakeholder buy-in, process reengineering, etc. Top management support also helps to ensure that the results and findings of continuous auditing are communicated and acted upon by the relevant decision-makers and stakeholders. The other options are not factors that are more important than top management support for ensuring the successful implementation of continuous auditing, but rather different aspects or benefits of continuous auditing, such as storage hardware (A), technical resources (B), or processing capacity (D).
Which of the following is a client-server program that opens a secure, encrypted command-line shell session from the Internet for remote logon?
The correct answer is C. SSH.
SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, a protocol that uses SSH to securely transfer files between a client and a server over a network. SFTP provides encryption, authentication and compression features to ensure the security and reliability of file transfers.