Free Isaca COBIT-2019 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for COBIT-2019 were last updated On Feb 20, 2025

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Question No. 1

When making IT-related decisions, stakeholders will find the COBIT framework MOST useful for:

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Correct Answer: C

COBIT 2019 provides a comprehensive framework to support the decision-making process rather than prescribing specific solutions. It guides the structuring of governance and management objectives across different domains, such as EDM, APO, and BAI, enabling stakeholders to understand the components and decision levels required for efficient IT governance. This aligns with COBIT's goals to establish clear responsibilities and decision-making criteria for various roles, ensuring alignment with enterprise objectives and stakeholder needs.

Question No. 2

Which of the following is the PRIMARY benefit or output derived from setting targeted capability levels and performing a capability-level gap analysis for selected processes?

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Correct Answer: B

The capability levels are a measure of how well an enterprise performs its information and technology governance and management processes in terms of process attributes such as process performance, process definition, process deployment, process measurement, process control, process optimization etc. The capability levels range from 0 (incomplete) to 5 (optimizing), indicating the degree of maturity and effectiveness of an enterprise's information and technology governance and management processes. The targeted capability levels are the desired levels of performance that an enterprise wants to achieve for its information and technology governance and management processes, based on its strategy, objectives, needs, and expectations. The targeted capability levels provide a basis for defining the improvement goals and objectives for the processes. The capability-level gap analysis is a process that involves comparing the current capability levels of an enterprise's information and technology governance and management processes with the targeted capability levels, and identifying the gaps or differences between them. The capability-level gap analysis helps to determine the improvement actions and initiatives that are required to close the gaps and achieve the targeted capability levels. The primary benefit or output derived from setting targeted capability levels and performing a capability-level gap analysis for selected processes is identification of process improvement opportunities. This means that by setting targeted capability levels and performing a capability-level gap analysis for selected processes, an enterprise can identify the areas of weakness or inefficiency in its information and technology governance and management processes, and determine the potential solutions or enhancements that can improve its process performance, quality, value, etc. This will also help to align the information and technology governance system with the enterprise's strategy and objectives. Reference:: COBIT 2019 Design Guide: page 53-54 : COBIT 2019 Process Assessment Model: page 11-13