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Which of the following is the MOST important factor of a successful information security program?
Which of the following is the MOST important consideration when establishing an organization's information security governance committee?
= The most important consideration when establishing an organization's information security governance committee is to ensure that members represent functions across the organization. This is because the information security governance committee is responsible for setting the direction, scope, and objectives of the information security program, and for ensuring that the program aligns with the organization's business goals and strategies. By having members from different functions, such as finance, human resources, operations, legal, and IT, the committee can ensure that the information security program considers the needs, expectations, and perspectives of various stakeholders, and that the program supports the organization's mission, vision, and values. Having a diverse and representative committee also helps to foster a culture of security awareness and accountability throughout the organization, and to promote collaboration and communication among different functions.
Members having knowledge of information security controls, members being business risk owners, and members being rotated periodically are all desirable characteristics of an information security governance committee, but they are not the most important consideration. Members having knowledge of information security controls can help the committee to understand the technical aspects of information security and to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the information security program. However, having technical knowledge is not sufficient to ensure that the information security program is aligned with the organization's business goals and strategies, and that the program considers the needs and expectations of various stakeholders. Members being business risk owners can help the committee to identify and prioritize the information security risks that affect the organization's business objectives, and to allocate appropriate resources and responsibilities for managing those risks. However, being a business risk owner does not necessarily imply that the member has a comprehensive and balanced view of the organization's information security needs and expectations, and that the member can represent the interests and perspectives of various functions. Members being rotated periodically can help the committee to maintain its independence and objectivity, and to avoid conflicts of interest or complacency. However, rotating members too frequently can also reduce the continuity and consistency of the information security program, and can affect the committee's ability to monitor and evaluate the performance and progress of the information security program.Reference=
ISACA, CISM Review Manual, 16th Edition, 2020, pages 36-37.
ISACA, CISM Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Database, 12th Edition, 2020, question ID 1014.
In a cloud technology environment, which of the following would pose the GREATEST challenge to the investigation of security incidents?
Implementing the principle of least privilege PRIMARILY requires the identification of:
The other options are not the primary factors that require identification for implementing the principle of least privilege. Data owners are the individuals or entities that have the authority and responsibility to define the classification, usage, and protection of data. Data owners may be involved in granting or revoking access privileges to data, but they are not the ones who identify the job duties of the data users. Primary risk factors are the sources or causes of potential harm or loss to the organization. Primary risk factors may influence the level of access privileges granted to users, but they are not the ones who define the job duties of the users. Authentication controls are the mechanisms that verify the identity of users or systems before granting access to resources. Authentication controls may enforce the principle of least privilege, but they are not the ones who determine the job duties of the users.Reference=
What Is the Principle of Least Privilege and Why is it Important?- F51
Which of the following roles is BEST suited to validate user access requirements during an annual user access review?
The business owner is the best suited role to validate user access requirements during an annual user access review, because the business owner is responsible for determining the business needs and objectives of the users, as well as defining the appropriate access rights and privileges for each user role.The business owner is also accountable for ensuring that the user access is aligned with the organization's policies and standards, and that the user access review is conducted effectively and efficiently1. The access manager, the IT director, and the system administrator are not as suitable as the business owner, because they are more involved in the technical and operational aspects of user access management, rather than the business aspects.
Reference= Effective User Access Reviews