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Which of the following is the GREATEST risk associated with storing customer data on a web server?
The greatest risk associated with storing customer data on a web server is data confidentiality. Data confidentiality is the property that ensures that data are accessible only to authorized entities or individuals, and protected from unauthorized disclosure or exposure. Storing customer data on a web server poses a high risk to data confidentiality, as web servers are exposed to the internet and may be vulnerable to various types of attacks or breaches that can compromise the security and privacy of customer data, such as hacking, phishing, malware, denial of service (DoS), etc. Customer data may contain sensitive or personal information that can cause harm or damage to customers or the organization if disclosed or exposed, such as identity theft, fraud, reputation loss, legal liability, etc. Data availability is the property that ensures that data are accessible and usable by authorized entities or individuals when needed. Data availability is a risk associated with storing customer data on a web server, as web servers may experience failures or disruptions that can affect the accessibility and usability of customer data, such as hardware faults, network issues, power outages, etc. However, data availability is not the greatest risk associated with storing customer data on a web server, as it does not affect the security and privacy of customer data. Data integrity is the property that ensures that data are accurate and consistent, and protected from unauthorized modification or corruption. Data integrity is a risk associated with storing customer data on a web server, as web servers may be subject to attacks or errors that can affect the accuracy and consistency of customer data, such as injection attacks, tampering, replication issues, etc. However, data integrity is not the greatest risk associated with storing customer data on a web server, as it does not affect the security and privacy of customer data. Data redundancy is the condition of having duplicate or unnecessary data in a database or system. Data redundancy is not a risk associated with storing customer data on a web server, but rather a result of poor database design or management.
Which of the following should an IS auditor review when evaluating information systems governance for a large organization?
The other possible options are:
Procedures for adding a new user to the invoice processing system: This is an operational task that involves granting access rights and permissions to a specific user for a specific system based on the principle of least privilege. This is not a strategic or high-level function that falls under information systems governance. Therefore, an IS auditor should not review this aspect when evaluating information systems governance for a large organization.
Approval processes for updating the corporate website: This is a tactical task that involves making changes or enhancements to the content or design of the corporate website based on the business needs and feedback. This is not a strategic or high-level function that falls under information systems governance. Therefore, an IS auditor should not review this aspect when evaluating information systems governance for a large organization.
Which of the following is MOST important for an IS auditor to look
for in a project feasibility study?
What should be an IS auditor's PRIMARY focus when reviewing a patch management procedure in an environment where availability is a top priority?
Which of the following is the BEST way to help ensure new IT implementations align with enterprise architecture (EA) principles and requirements?
The best way to help ensure new IT implementations align with enterprise architecture (EA) principles and requirements is to conduct EA reviews as part of the change advisory board (CAB). A CAB is a committee that evaluates and authorizes changes to IT services, such as new IT implementations. By conducting EA reviews as part of the CAB process, the organization can ensure that the proposed changes are consistent with the EA vision, goals, standards, and guidelines. This can help avoid potential conflicts, risks, or inefficiencies that may arise from misaligned IT implementations. Additionally, EA reviews can help identify opportunities for improvement, optimization, or innovation in the IT services.
The other options are not the best ways to help ensure new IT implementations align with EA principles and requirements. Documenting the security view as part of the EA is important, but it does not guarantee that new IT implementations will follow the security requirements or best practices. Considering stakeholder concerns when defining the EA is also essential, but it does not ensure that new IT implementations will meet the stakeholder expectations or needs. Performing mandatory post-implementation reviews of IT implementations is a good practice, but it does not prevent potential issues or problems that may arise from misaligned IT implementations.
5: Change Advisory Board Best Practices: 15+ Industry Leaders Weigh In
6: What Does the Change Advisory Board (CAB) Do?
7: How do I set up an effective change advisory board? - ServiceNow
8: ITIL Change Management - The Role of the Change Advisory Board