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An enterprise is implementing its first mobile sales channel. Final approval for accepting the associated IT risk should be obtained from which of the following?
A multinational enterprise is planning to migrate to cloud-based systems. Which of the following should be of MOST concern to the risk management committee?
Data protection, privacy, and sovereignty issues, as cloud service providers may store or process data in different jurisdictions with different legal and regulatory frameworks
Loss of control and visibility over data and systems, as cloud service providers may have different security standards, policies, and practices than the enterprise
Shared responsibility and accountability for compliance, as cloud service providers and customers may have different roles and obligations for ensuring compliance
Complexity and variability of compliance requirements, as cloud service providers may offer different levels of compliance certifications and attestations for different services and regions
Therefore, regulatory compliance should be of most concern to the risk management committee when planning to migrate to cloud-based systems. The risk management committee should carefully assess the compliance requirements of the applicable legislation in both the home and host countries, as well as the compliance capabilities and assurances of the cloud service providers. The risk management committee should also establish appropriate controls and mechanisms to monitor and audit the compliance status and performance of the cloud-based systems.
An enterprise has decided to utilize a cloud vendor for the first time to provide email as a service, eliminating in-house email capabilities. Which of the following IT strategic actions should be triggered by this decision?
Which of the following is MOST important to consider when planning to implement a cloud-based application for sharing documents with internal and external parties?
An IT steering committee is concerned about staff saving data files containing sensitive corporate information on publicly available cloud file storage applications. Which of the following should be done FIRST to address this concern?
To address concerns about staff saving sensitive corporate information on publicly available cloud file storage applications, the first step should be to require staff training on data classification policies. Educating employees about the types of data classified as sensitive and the associated handling requirements helps to raise awareness and change behavior. Training should emphasize the importance of protecting sensitive information and the proper use of approved storage solutions. While creating secure storage solutions, blocking access to certain applications, and revising policies are important measures, education and awareness are fundamental first steps to ensure compliance and mitigate risks.