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Which of the following is the BEST recommendation to offer an organization's HR department planning to adopt a new public Software as a Service (SaaS) application to ease the recruiting process?
Which of the following is MOST important for an auditor to understand regarding cloud security controls?
Which of the following would be considered as a factor to trust in a cloud service provider?
Trust in a cloud service provider is fundamentally based on the assurance that the provider can deliver secure and reliable services. The level of proven technical skills is a critical factor because it demonstrates the provider's capability to implement and maintain robust security measures, manage complex cloud infrastructures, and respond effectively to technical challenges. Technical expertise is essential for establishing trust, as it directly impacts the security and performance of the cloud services offered.
A cloud service provider utilizes services of other service providers for its cloud service. Which of the following is the BEST approach for the auditor while performing the audit for the cloud service?
The other options are not the best approach for the auditor. Option A is too strict and might not be feasible or necessary, depending on the type and level of services provided by the service provider. Option C is too lax and might overlook significant risks and gaps in the cloud service. Option D is too narrow and might ignore the impact of the service provider on the cloud customer's business context.Reference:
ISACA Cloud Auditing Knowledge Certificate Study Guide, page 13-14.
Which of the following MOST enhances the internal stakeholder decision-making process for the remediation of risks identified from an organization's cloud compliance program?