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What is the input status of requirements used by business analysts (BAs) for undertaking requirement verification activities?
In the context of business analysis, the input status of requirements for undertaking requirement verification activities is 'Specified and Modeled'. This means that the requirements have been detailed and documented, and models have been created to represent them. This status is crucial for verification activities because it ensures that the requirements are clearly understood and can be systematically evaluated against quality standards to ensure they are usable for their intended purpose.
When should prioritization of requirements take place?
Prioritization of requirements is not a one-time activity but a continuous process that occurs throughout the initiative. This approach allows for adjustments as new information is discovered, priorities shift, and the project evolves. It ensures that the most current and relevant requirements are being addressed at any given time, aligning with the changing needs and values of the business and stakeholders.
Which of the following items is commonly used by a business analyst (BA) during requirements verification?
The task that uses the elicitation activity plan to draw out, explore and identify information relevant to the change is:
The task that uses the 'Elicitation Activity Plan' to draw out, explore, and identify information relevant to the change is 'Conduct Elicitation.' This task involves direct interaction with stakeholders or independent research to understand stakeholder needs and identify potential solutions that may meet those needs. The Elicitation Activity Plan guides the business analyst through the planned elicitation activities, ensuring that the elicitation is focused, efficient, and aligned with the project objectives. This structured approach to elicitation helps in gathering relevant and accurate information, which is essential for the success of the change initiative .