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Henry is the business analyst for the UUH Organization. Currently Henry is working on several work products as part of the requirements development process. He may need to share these work products with the stakeholders. Which of the following is not an example of a work product?
Requirements documentation is not a work product but a formal document that describes the requirements for the solution scope.
Solution scope is a set of capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need. Answer C, A, and B are incorrect. These are examples of a work product.
In order to define the business need for an organization, there are two inputs. What are the two inputs a business analyst will need to define the business need?
In order to conduct the task of defining the business need, the business analyst will need business goals and objectives.
Answer C is incorrect. This isn't a valid answer, as Requirements and Business analysis approach are actually outputs of the task of defining the business need.
Answer B is incorrect. This isn't a valid answer, as stakeholder identification and stakeholder analysis are actually outputs of the task of defining the business need.
Answer D is incorrect. This isn't a valid answer, as Elicitation approach and Solution approach aren't valid inputs.
There are five tasks and six inputs to requirements management and communication. As a business analyst, you'll need to gather all of the following inputs for this knowledge area except for which one?
The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool used to define the scope of work and to develop estimates. This tool creates a hierarchy of work by decomposing the project scope into smaller and smaller pieces. WBS can perform the following tasks:
It may break the project into iterations, releases, or phases. It can break deliverables into work packages.
It may break activities into smaller tasks.
Answer C, A, and D are incorrect. The inputs to requirements management and communication are as follows:
Business Analysis (BA) communication plan Requirement Management Plan
Solution Scope Requirements Structure
Organizational Process Assets
Stakeholder, List, Roles, and Responsibilities Requirements
You are the business analyst for your organization and you and your staff are creating as many solutions as possible to an identified problem in the solution approach process. What is this activity element called?
When the business analyst and stakeholders are generating as many potential options as possible for a solution, it's called alternative generation.
Answer B is incorrect. Brainstorming is not used as an element for the solution approach process. Answer D is incorrect. Lateral thinking is not an element used in the solution approach process.
Answer C is incorrect. Prototyping creates models and mockups of a solution.
According to the book 'A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge', effective business analysis practices can do what to the amount of change to requirements in a stable business environment?
Effective business analysis practices can reduce the amount of change in a project, but it cannot eliminate the amount of changes entirely.
Answer D is incorrect. This isn't a valid statement as business analysis practices cannot eliminate the need for change in requirements.
Answer C is incorrect. While this may be true in some instances, it's not true for all areas of requirements change.
Answer B is incorrect. This isn't a valid statement to the Question. All changes and requirements must be documented.