Free IIBA CBDA Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CBDA were last updated On Dec 20, 2024

Question No. 1

Operation managers are concerned about the increasing attrition rates in the call center. A series of interviews is being conducted with call center agents to collect information to better understand the problem. Interviewees will ask open and closed ended questions that are both quantitative and qualitative. Which of the following is considered a qualitative open-ended question?

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Correct Answer: A

A qualitative open-ended question is a question that allows the respondent to express their thoughts, feelings, or opinions in their own words, without being constrained by predefined options or categories. A qualitative open-ended question can help the interviewer explore the underlying reasons, motivations, or perceptions of the respondent. Option A is a qualitative open-ended question, because it asks the respondent to explain how call volume affects their job satisfaction and well-being, which may vary from person to person and require elaboration. Options B, C, and D are not qualitative open-ended questions, because they ask the respondent to choose between two alternatives (B and D) or provide a numerical value , which are quantitative and closed-ended responses. Reference:

* Business Analysis Certification in Data Analytics, CBDA | IIBA, CBDA Competencies, Domain 2: Source Data

* Understanding the Guide to Business Data Analytics, page 14

* CERTIFICATION IN BUSINESS DATA ANALYTICS HANDBOOK - IIBA, page 8, CBDA Exam Sample Questions and Self-Assessment, Question 9

Question No. 2

Freedom Insurance is planning to offer a new type of insurance policy and would like to determine how to optimally price it. The company seeks to identify the characteristics of this policy that would produce the maximum profit in the coming year. What type of analytics would Freedom Insurance be considering to achieve this objective?

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Correct Answer: D

Question No. 3

The sales department is interested in using business analytics to better understand their customer's purchasing habits. During the process of sourcing data, the analyst discovers geographic differences in how sales data is being recorded. The analyst would like to influence how the organization strategically plans for business analytics. Which practice, would move the organization closer to meeting this objective?

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Correct Answer: A

Question No. 5


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Correct Answer: C