According to IIA guidance, which of the following factors should the auditor in charge consider when determining the resource requirements for an audit engagement?
An organization with global headquarters in the United States has subsidiaries in eight other nations. If the organization operates with an ethnocentric attitude, which of the following statements is true?
Which of the following professional development approaches would offer internal auditors the most opportunities to broaden their engagement experiences?
An organization's internal audit plan includes a recurring assurance review of the human resources (HR) department. Which of the following statements is true regarding preliminary communication between the auditor in charge (AIC) and the HR department?
1. The AIC should notify HR management when the draft audit plan is being developed, as a courtesy.
2. The AIC should notify HR management before the planning stage begins.
3. The AIC should schedule formal status meetings with HR management at the start of the engagement.
4. The AIC should finalize the scope of the engagement before communicating with HR management.
An internal auditor wants to determine whether employees are complying with the information security policy, which prohibits leaving sensitive information on employee desks overnight. The auditor checked a sample of 90 desks and found eight that contained sensitive information. How should this observation be reported, if the organization tolerates 4 percent noncompliance?