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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by IBM in their IBM C9510-401 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the IBM C9510-401 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A system administrator has started a Liberty profile server using the default values. Later, the administrator modified the server.xml file for the server to include
dropins=''${server.config.dir}/applications'' dropinsEnabled=''true''/> The administrator placed the application ServletApp.war in the apps directory under ${server.config.dir}. While accessing the correct URL for the home page of the application, the error ''Context Root Not Found'' occurs in the browser. How can the administrator resolve this error?
While coordinating a flexible management topology, the job manager can send commands to which components?
To manage multiple cells, register deployment managers with job manager directly
Use administrative agent to register base server profiles with a job manager
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The administrator needs to identify any security role references and security constraints in a web application.
How can the administrator identify these roles and constraints?
Securing web applications using an assembly tool.
You can use three types of web login authentication mechanisms to configure a web application: basic authentication, form-based authentication and client certificate-based authentication. Protect web resources in a web application by assigning security roles to those resources.
A system administrator needs to set a new Liberty profile environment to support an application.
What should the administrator do to enable this environment for high availability and scalability of the application?
Setting up Liberty server clusters
A Liberty can be configured into a server cluster for application high availability and scale.
The collectiveController-1.0 feature and its capabilities are available only in multiple-server products such as WebSphere Application Server Liberty Network Deployment and WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS. The feature is not available in single-server products such as WebSphere Application Server Liberty, WebSphere Application Server Liberty - Express, or WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. If you have a multiple-server product installation, you can use its collectiveController-1.0 feature to work with collective members from single-server products.
After collecting diagnostic trace from a server running under a cell, a system administrator noticed that the trace files contained sensitive information.
To avoid this issue in the future, what can the administrator do?
You can either enable or disable the sensitive log and trace guard to help control whether loggers write sensitive information in your log and trace files.
Use the administrative console to enable or disable the sensitive log and trace guard.