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The client requires 99.99% uptime. Why would a Citrix NetScaler help in this case?
A Citrix NetScaler (now known as Citrix ADC) is designed to improve the availability of applications by providing advanced load balancing, traffic management, and redundancy features. It ensures that applications remain accessible even in the event of server failures or high traffic volumes.
Why Citrix NetScaler Improves Availability: It distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers to prevent overload on a single server, thus maintaining application uptime. It also provides failover capabilities, ensuring that if one server fails, traffic is rerouted to other healthy servers.
Comparison with Other Options:
A (Predictability): While Citrix NetScaler can improve predictability, its main function is related to availability.
B (Scalability): Citrix NetScaler can aid in scalability, but this is not the primary benefit for achieving 99.99% uptime.
C (Reliability): While reliability is an aspect, the key feature directly supporting 99.99% uptime is availability.
Citrix ADC Documentation
IBM Cloud Load Balancer Services
IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide
A global manufacturing company has multiple facilities across the world. It runs its business on dispersed IBM Power hardware and as part of a refresh program wants to consolidate its IT footprint.
Which benefit of IBM Power System Virtual Servers meets this use case?
IBM Power System Virtual Servers offer centralized IT infrastructure management, which is beneficial for a global manufacturing company looking to consolidate its IT footprint. By moving workloads to IBM Power System Virtual Servers, the company can manage its global IT resources from a single platform, simplifying operations, reducing costs, and increasing operational efficiency.
Benefits of Centralized Management: Consolidating IT infrastructure under a single, centrally managed platform allows for more streamlined operations, consistent management practices, and a reduction in the complexity associated with managing multiple dispersed systems.
Why This Benefit Meets the Use Case: The company needs to consolidate its IT footprint, which requires reducing the number of disparate systems and consolidating management under a single pane of glass.
Comparison with Other Options:
A (Disaster Recovery): Relevant but not the primary benefit in this use case.
C (Development and Testing): Does not align with the need to consolidate IT infrastructure.
D (High-Performance Computing): Not the primary goal described in the use case.
IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers Documentation
IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide
What are the basic components in an event-driven architecture?
In an event-driven architecture, the basic components are:
Event Producer: The source that generates events, such as a service or application emitting a message whenever a significant change or action occurs.
Router (sometimes called an Event Router or Event Bus): Routes the event to the appropriate consumer(s). The router can handle complex event processing, filtering, and transformation before delivering the event.
Event Store: A component that persists events, making them available for future analysis, auditing, or replaying if needed.
Why These Components are Core:
These components are essential to ensure that events are generated, routed to the correct consumers, and stored for traceability and recovery purposes. This architecture is crucial for building scalable, decoupled, and responsive systems.
Comparison with Other Options:
A, B, and C: Do not provide a complete representation of all three core components needed in an event-driven architecture.
IBM Cloud Event-driven Architecture
IBM Cloud Architect Exam Study Guide
Which two use cases for IBM Cloud Flow logs can be supported by a single collector?
A single collector in IBM Cloud Flow logs can support the following two use cases:
Collect Data for a Single Network Interface in a Virtual Server Instance: IBM Cloud Flow logs can collect network traffic data specific to a single network interface, which allows detailed monitoring and analysis of traffic patterns and security incidents for that specific instance.
Collect Data for All Network Interfaces in a Subnet: A single collector can also be configured to gather data from all network interfaces in a given subnet. This provides a comprehensive view of the network traffic within that subnet, useful for monitoring, troubleshooting, and security analysis.
Reference from IBM Cloud Professional Architect Materials:
IBM documentation on IBM Cloud Flow Logs supports these use cases, showing how collectors can be set up to monitor specific network interfaces or entire subnets.
Other options are incorrect:
B . Collect data for all network interfaces in an IBM Cloud Classic infrastructure and C. Collect data for all network interfaces in an IBM Cloud region are too broad for a single collector.
D . Collect data for all network interfaces in an IBM Cloud account would require multiple collectors.
Therefore, the correct answers are A. Collect data for a single network interface in a virtual server instance and E. Collect data for all network interfaces in a subnet.
An architect is tasked with setting up IBM Cloud Object Storage for data with unpredictable usage patterns. Which storage class should the architect select for this use case?
For data with unpredictable usage patterns, the architect should select the Smart Tier storage class.
Smart Tier Storage Class: This is designed for workloads with changing or unpredictable access patterns. It automatically moves data between different cost-performance tiers based on access patterns, providing cost-efficiency and optimal performance without requiring manual intervention.
Unpredictable Usage Patterns: Smart Tier is particularly beneficial when the usage patterns of data are not consistent, as it dynamically adjusts the storage tier to ensure the most efficient use of resources.
Reference from IBM Cloud Professional Architect Materials:
IBM's documentation on IBM Cloud Object Storage Classes describes Smart Tier as the recommended choice for data with unpredictable access patterns.
Other options are incorrect:
A . Standard is for frequently accessed data.
C . Vault and D. Cold Vault are for infrequently accessed data, not suitable for unpredictable usage.