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Which is a valid statement about the process of restoring a backup archive?
When restoring a backup archive in QRadar, it is essential to ensure that the software version matches exactly. This includes both the base version and any fix pack versions.
Attempting to restore a backup archive from a different software version can lead to compatibility issues, data corruption, and system instability.
Always verify that the backup archive corresponds to the same QRadar version before initiating the restoration process.
IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration documentation.
You are using the command line interface (CLI) and need to fix a storage issue. What command do you use to verify disk usage levels?
To verify disk usage levels in a Linux environment, the df -h command is used. This command provides an overview of the disk space usage, displaying the available and used space in a human-readable format.
Open the terminal or CLI on the system.
Type df -h and press Enter.
Review the output, which will show the filesystem, size, used space, available space, and usage percentage for all mounted filesystems.
Reference IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration documentation.
When configuring a log source, which protocols are used when receiving data into the event ingress component?
When configuring a log source in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, the protocols used to receive data into the event ingress component are critical for ensuring proper data collection and analysis. The main protocols that are supported for this purpose are:
Syslog: A widely used protocol for message logging, supported by many network devices and servers.
HTTP Receiver: Allows QRadar to receive logs via HTTP POST requests, enabling integration with various web services and applications.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): Used for collecting and organizing information about managed devices on IP networks and for modifying that information to change device behavior.
Reference IBM QRadar SIEM documentation and product guides confirm that these are the supported protocols for receiving data into the event ingress component. The specific details on protocol support can be found in the QRadar SIEM administration and configuration manuals.
On which managed hosts is QRadar event data stored in the Ariel database?
QRadar event data is stored in the Ariel database on the Event Processor and any attached Data Nodes. The Event Processor is responsible for processing incoming events, performing correlation, and storing the event data. The attached Data Nodes provide additional storage capacity and can be used to extend the storage available to the Event Processor.
Reference IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration documentation.
What are some of the supported custom property expression types in QRadar?
IBM QRadar SIEM supports various types of custom property expressions to allow users to extract and parse data from logs in flexible and powerful ways. Among the supported custom property expression types, Regex, JSON, and LEEF are frequently utilized:
Regex (Regular Expressions): Regular expressions are a powerful tool used for pattern matching and extraction in text. In QRadar, regex can be used to create custom properties that parse specific patterns from log data, allowing for detailed and precise data extraction.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): JSON is a widely used data interchange format that is lightweight and easy to read and write. QRadar supports JSON expressions to parse and extract structured data from logs formatted in JSON.
LEEF (Log Event Extended Format): LEEF is a log format used by various devices to structure log data in a consistent manner. QRadar can utilize LEEF expressions to extract data from logs that use this format.
These types of expressions enhance QRadar's ability to handle diverse log formats and enable more accurate and efficient data analysis.
Reference IBM Security QRadar SIEM and IBM Security QRadar EDR integration.pdf