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In which case is the customization of a native OAuth provider not immediately ready to be used?
OAuth Provider Customization: When customizing a native OAuth provider in IBM API Connect, certain configurations and policies can affect its readiness for immediate use.
TLS Profile Reference: Adding a policy that references a TLS (Transport Layer Security) profile introduces additional security configurations that need to be validated and applied. This process can delay the immediate readiness of the OAuth provider.
Impact of TLS Profiles: TLS profiles are used to secure communications and ensure data integrity and confidentiality. When a policy with a TLS profile reference is added, the system must ensure that the TLS settings are correctly configured and operational, which can take additional time.
Other Options:
Transform Policies: These are used to modify the request or response messages and do not inherently delay the readiness of the OAuth provider.
Grant Types: Adding grant types involves configuring the OAuth provider to support different methods of obtaining access tokens, which is a standard part of customization and does not delay readiness.
Logic Operators: Using logic operators in the assembly is related to the flow control of the API assembly and does not directly impact the readiness of the OAuth provider.
IBM API Connect documentation and best practices for OAuth provider customization.
General principles of TLS and its impact on API security configurations.
A developer has asked to modify the default global behavior of ratelimit enforcement to allow execution of the API even if the ratelimit is exceeded.
When creating the global policy yaml file which is true?
When creating a global policy YAML file to modify the default behavior of rate limit enforcement in IBM API Connect v10.0.3, it is crucial to ensure that the version specified at the beginning of the YAML file matches the version in the info section. This alignment is necessary for the system to recognize and apply the correct policy settings across all configurations.
Other options are incorrect:
Option A is not a valid configuration setting for global policies.
Option B and C do not represent the correct approach to configuring global policy YAML files.
IBM API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation: Creating and Modifying Global Policies
Which HA concept applies for OAuth operations in a multi-node Kubernetes cluster?
High Availability (HA) Concept: In a multi-node Kubernetes cluster, the concept of ''Quorum'' is crucial for ensuring high availability and consistency, especially for operations like OAuth.
Quorum Definition: Quorum refers to the minimum number of nodes that must agree on a transaction or operation to ensure consistency and avoid split-brain scenarios. This is particularly important in distributed systems to maintain data integrity and availability.
OAuth Operations: For OAuth operations, maintaining a quorum ensures that the authentication and authorization processes are reliable and consistent across the cluster. This helps in preventing issues where different nodes might have conflicting states.
1:IBM Certified Solution Implementer - API Connect v10.0.3 Documentation
Which two image formats are supported for use in the developer portal?
The Developer Portal in API Connect supports the following image formats:
JPEG (.jpg): This is a widely used image format that is commonly used for photos and other images.
GIF (.gif): This format is often used for animated images and simple graphics.
While other formats may be technically possible to use in the Developer Portal, these two are the most widely supported and recommended formats.
IBM API Connect: Developer Portal User Guide
IBM API Connect: Creating and Managing Products
Why would an administrator run the apic apic-config: get Portal CLI command?
An administrator would run the apic apic-config: get Portal CLI command to view the configured user registries, payment methods, permissions, and TLS profiles for the Portal. This command provides a comprehensive overview of the Portal's configuration settings, allowing the administrator to verify and modify them as needed.
IBM API Connect: Developer Portal CLI commands
IBM API Connect: Managing Portal Configuration