An implementation professional uses the customer_overndesproperties file to override properties in the Inventory Management category of In order for the Real-Time Availability Monitor (RTAM) to correctly handle all the unassigned demands (e.g. backorder), which two property values must be set to T? (Select two.)
Sales orders are being purged using the ORDER_PURGE transaction for which the retention days period is defined to be 30 days. How does the purge agent select the orders that need to be purged?
An implementation professional installs IBM Sterling Order Management in Upgrade mode.
Which attribute needs to be reset in the sandbox.cfg properties file?
n the out-of-the-box order fulfillment pipeline, what does the "Consolidate to shipment" transaction do?
A custom API needs to be developed to evaluate the price of a given order. Different kinds of pricing model types, such as "REGULAR", "PROMOTION". "HOLIDAY' and "SEASONAL" are used.
Tip implementation professional wants to set this up so that the custom API code does not have to invoke an API to retrieve the pricing model type. How can this be achieved if the pricing model type that needs to be used by the custom API should be set up as a configurable parameter?