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Which of the following slots retains the same physical position on both the BBU5900 and BBU3910?
The Slot1 on both the BBU5900 and BBU3910 retains the same physical position. Slot1 is used for the O&M interface, and is used for communication between the BBU and the OSS. It supports the SFP/SFP+ optical modules for O&M communication.
In NSA networking, which of the following factors affect the downlink peak rate of a CPE?
In Non-standalone (NSA) networking, the downlink peak rate of a CPE is affected by various factors, such as the downlink transmit power of the NR base station, the CPE location, the quality of the radio channel, and the configuration of the network. -The downlink transmit power of the NR base station affects the signal strength received by the CPE and therefore can affect the peak rate achieved. -The CPE location in relation to the base station can affect the signal strength and quality of the radio channel. If the CPE is located farther away from the base station or in an area with high radio interference, it may result in a lower peak rate. -Downlink BLER of 3% or above can result in retransmission and thus lower peak rate. -Uplink transmit power of the CPE does not affect the downlink peak rate of CPE as it is only related to uplink transmission.
Which of the following actions will trigger SgNB release by the MeNB?
The UE inactivity timer on the NR side expiring and the air interface link on the NR side being abnormal, and a UE reporting SCG Failure Info to the eNodeB, can both trigger the MeNB to release the SgNB. Other actions, such as an inter-SgNB cell change or the MeNB detecting an abnormal X2 link, may also lead to SgNB release, but are not the trigger for it.
Extended Cyclic Prefix - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
5G NR Numerology - Subcarrier Spcaing (SCS) - Techplayon
Which of the following methods can be used to locate faults on the user-plane path?
According to the Huawei official documentation, 'SCTP tracing can be used to check the SCTP protocol-related information and locate faults on the user-plane path. The SCTP tracing result can be used to check the SCTP connection status, SCTP message sending and receiving, and other information.' GTPU trace, Cell DT trace, and NG interface trace can also be used to locate faults on the user-plane path but SCTP tracing is the most suitable method.
Which of the following are the topologies between a BBU and RF units?
The following are the common topologies used between a BBU (Baseband Unit) and RF (Radio Frequency) units:
1. Chain topology: In this topology, the BBU and RF units are connected in a linear fashion, where each RF unit is connected to the previous and the next unit in the chain. B. Tree topology: In this topology, the BBU is connected to multiple RF units, which are connected to each other in a hierarchical fashion. D. Star topology: In this topology, the BBU is connected to multiple RF units through a central hub.