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The GPON technology is integrated with the ( ) to provide terminal devices that meet various application scenarios.
GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) is a fiber-optic access technology that integrates seamlessly with VoIP (Voice over IP) technology to provide voice services alongside data and video services. This integration allows GPON to support triple-play services (voice, data, and video) over a single fiber infrastructure.
xDSL : Refers to copper-based technologies and is not directly integrated with GPON.
Ethernet : While GPON uses Ethernet frames for data transmission, it is not the primary integration point for application scenarios.
WLAN : Wireless LAN is a separate technology and not directly integrated with GPON.
VoIP : Voice over IP is a key application scenario for GPON, enabling high-quality voice services over fiber-optic networks.
This is explicitly mentioned in the HCIA Huawei ACCESS documentation, which highlights the role of GPON in delivering converged services, including VoIP.
HCIA Huawei ACCESS Official Documentation , Chapter: GPON Technology and Applications.
Triple-Play Services in GPON Networks by Huawei.
Which of the following statements are incorrect ?
Let us analyze each statement:
Option A :
Correct : WDM1r multiplexers can be flexibly deployed close to the Central Office (CO) or closer to the user, depending on network design requirements.
Option B :
Incorrect : While GPON and XGS-PON share the same ODN architecture, simply changing the optical modules on an ONU is insufficient to support XGS-PON. The ONU hardware and software must also be compatible with XGS-PON standards.
Option C :
Incorrect : The deployment of WDM1r multiplexers introduces additional optical loss, which must be accounted for in the calculation of optical link attenuation.
Option D :
Correct : GPON (1490 nm downstream, 1310 nm upstream) and XGS-PON (1577 nm downstream, 1270 nm upstream) use non-overlapping wavelengths, allowing them to coexist on the same ODN using WDM.
Thus, the incorrect statements are B and C .
HCIA Huawei ACCESS Official Documentation , Chapter: GPON and XGS-PON Coexistence.
ITU-T G.9807.1 Standards for XGS-PON .
Generally, MAC addresses are purchased from the IEEE and can be customized.
The first 24 bits (OUI) of a MAC address are purchased by manufacturers from the IEEE. The remaining 24 bits are assigned by the manufacturer and are not customizable by end-users. While some advanced systems allow temporary MAC address changes, the statement isfalsebecause the OUI is fixed and tied to the manufacturer.
Which of the following statements about static route configuration is correct?
When configuring a static route, certain parameters are required for the route to function correctly. Let us analyze each option:
Option A :
Incorrect : The preference (or administrative distance) is optional. If not specified, the router uses the default preference value for static routes.
Option B :
Incorrect : While the next-hop IP address is commonly used in static route configuration, it is not always mandatory. For example, you can specify an outgoing interface instead of a next-hop address.
Option C :
Incorrect : The subnet mask is essential for defining the network prefix of the destination network. Without the mask, the router cannot determine the range of IP addresses covered by the route.
Option D :
Correct : The subnet mask is mandatory when configuring a static route. It defines the network portion of the destination IP address, enabling the router to match packets to the correct route.
Thus, the correct answer is D .
HCIA Huawei ACCESS Official Documentation , Chapter: Static Route Configuration.
IP Routing and Subnet Masks by Huawei.
The FTP, TFTP, or SFTP mode can be used to transfer files during the upgrade of the access network. The FTP mode is recommended.
File Transfer Protocols :
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) : Provides reliable file transfer with high speed and ease of use.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) : Lightweight but lacks security and reliability features.
SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) : Secure but slower due to encryption overhead.
Recommendation for Upgrades :
During access network upgrades, large files (e.g., firmware images) need to be transferred quickly and reliably.
FTP is recommended because it balances speed, reliability, and ease of use.
The statement correctly identifies FTP as the recommended protocol for file transfers during upgrades.
Thus, the correct answer is A .
HCIA Huawei ACCESS Official Documentation , Chapter: Network Upgrade Procedures.
File Transfer Protocols Comparison by Huawei.