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Which anti-ransomware functions can OceanStor Dorado provide?
Dorado can provide secure snapshot as an anti-ransomware function. Secure snapshot is a feature that allows users to create read-only copies of data at a specific point in time. Secure snapshots are protected from deletion or modification by ransomware or unauthorized users. Secure snapshots can also be used to quickly restore data to a previous state in case of ransomware attacks .
OceanStor Dorado series supports SAN and NAS services.
OceanStor Dorado series supports SAN and NAS services in one box, which means it can host all kinds of applications such as databases, file servers, virtual machines, containers, etc., without requiring separate devices or gateways. OceanStor Dorado supports mainstream protocols such as iSCSI, FC, NFS, and SMB, and provides ultra-high performance, low latency, and high reliability for data storage.
DME storage can only support O&M of Huawei storage.
DME Storage can support O&M of Huawei storage as well as several mainstream third-party storage systems. DME Storage is an intelligent storage management platform that provides convergence, intelligence, and openness for data center storage devices. It covers four phases of the device lifecycle (planning, provisioning, maintenance, and optimization), and improves the automation level and problem resolution rate. DME Storage supports Huawei's full series of centralized storage, Huawei distributed storage (OceanStor Pacific), Dell EMC Unity/VNX/VMAX/PowerMax/Isilon/PowerScale/SC Series/PowerVault ME4 Series/XtremIO/X2 Series/PowerStore Series/PowerFlex Series/Connectrix Series/Switches Series/PowerSwitch Series/S-Series Switches/N-Series Switches/Z-Series Switches/C-Series Switches/M-Series Switches/E-Series Switches/B-Series Switches/Ruckus ICX Switches/Ruckus SmartZone Controllers/Ruckus R Series Access Points/Ruckus H Series Access Points/Ruckus T Series Access Points/Ruckus M Series Access Points/Ruckus C Series Access Points/Ruckus E Series Access Points/Ruckus ZoneFlex Access Points/Ruckus Cloudpath Enrollment System/Ruckus SmartCell Insight (SCI)/Ruckus IoT Suite/Ruckus Cloud Wi-Fi/Ruckus Unleashed Wi-Fi/Ruckus Cloudpath Enrollment System (ES)/Ruckus SmartZone Network Controller (SZ100/SZ300/vSZ)/Ruckus Virtual SmartZone - Essentials (vSZ-E)/Ruckus Virtual SmartZone - High Scale (vSZ-H)/Ruckus SmartZone Data Plane (SZ100-D/SZ300-D/vSZ-D), NetApp FAS/AFF/ONTAP Select/E-Series/EF-Series, IBM DS8000/XIV/Storwize/SVC/FlashSystem, HPE 3PAR/MSA/Nimble/StoreOnce/StoreVirtual, Hitachi VSP G/F Series/VSP N Series/HNAS/HCP, Pure Storage FlashArray//X/FlashArray//C/FlashArray//M, Lenovo ThinkSystem DM Series/ThinkSystem DE Series, and Infinidat InfiniBox.
In Huawei E2E anti-ransomware solution from production storage, to backup storage and to DR storage, which products are
In Huawei E2E anti-ransomware solution from production storage, to backup storage and to DR storage, the products are OceanStor Dorado, OceanStor Pacific, and OceanProtect. OceanStor Dorado is the production storage that provides high performance and reliability for critical applications. OceanStor Pacific is the backup storage that provides efficient data reduction and protection for large-scale data. OceanProtect is the DR storage that provides fast backup and recovery for disaster scenarios .