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What parameters can a DHCP6 server assign to a DHCPv6 client?
Understanding DHCPv6:
DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6) is used to assign configuration parameters to IPv6 clients.
It supports both stateful and stateless modes:
Stateful: Assigns IPv6 addresses and other configuration parameters.
Stateless: Assigns only configuration parameters (e.g., DNS server) without providing IPv6 addresses.
Analysis of Parameters:
A . Gateway address:
False. DHCPv6 does not assign the default gateway. Instead, the default gateway is advertised by routers using Router Advertisement (RA) messages in IPv6.
B . DNS server address:
True. DHCPv6 can assign the IPv6 address of DNS servers to the client.
C . IPv6 address/prefix:
True. In stateful mode, DHCPv6 assigns IPv6 addresses and prefixes to clients.
D . SNTP server address:
True. DHCPv6 can assign the address of an SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) server to synchronize time on the client.
The correct parameters that a DHCPv6 server can assign to a client are: B. DNS server address, C. IPv6 address/prefix, D. SNTP server address.
In inter-AC roaming scenarios, an AC can function as the mobility server of multiple mobility groups, but can be added only to one mobility group.
In inter-AC roaming scenarios, an AC (Access Controller) can serve as the mobility server for multiple mobility groups, enabling it to manage roaming among multiple groups. However, an AC can only belong to one specific mobility group. This constraint ensures that mobility management remains streamlined and avoids conflicts. Huawei WLAN mobility configuration guides validate this setup .
Which of the following statements regarding the stateful inspection firewall is true?
A stateful inspection firewall tracks the state of network connections and only matches the initial packet against its rule set. Subsequent packets in the same connection are matched in the state table. Contrary to this, UDP packets can be inspected by correlating them with connection states, and packets in a single connection are always correlated .
A forwarding information database (FIB) can directly guide packet forwarding on a router.
The Forwarding Information Base (FIB) is derived from the router's routing table and contains the exact forwarding entries used to route packets. It directly guides packet forwarding decisions by matching incoming packets with the correct output interface or next-hop address .
Fill in the blanks
When receiving a packet, a Huawei router matches the packet against ACL rules. The default ACL matching order used by the Huawei router is.
ACL Matching in Huawei Routers:
Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used to filter packets based on specific criteria, such as source/destination IP, ports, or protocols.
When a packet arrives, the Huawei router processes it against the configured ACL rules to decide whether to permit or deny the packet.
Sequential Matching Order:
By default, Huawei routers match packets against ACL rules sequentially. This means:
The router checks the packet against rules in the order they are listed, starting from the top of the ACL.
The first rule that matches the packet's attributes is applied, and no further rules are checked. This is known as the first-match principle.
If no rules match, the packet is denied by default (implicit deny).
Example of Sequential Matching:
Consider the following ACL rules:
Rule 10: Permit IP
Rule 20: Deny IP
If a packet with source IP arrives:
The router matches it against Rule 10 (Permit and allows the packet.
Rule 20 is not evaluated because the first match (Rule 10) already applies.
Alternative Matching Orders:
Some routers or configurations allow batch matching (evaluating all rules) for specific scenarios, but this is not the default behavior in Huawei routers.
The default ACL matching order on Huawei routers is sequential, and the first matching rule determines the action applied to the packet.