You have created an OSPF neighbor configuration with ArubaOS-CX 8320 VSX and a third-party switch The OSPF peering falls. In the event togs you see the following entries.
2020-10-28:03:14 20.371489|hpe-routlng|LOG_WARN|AMM|1/5jOSPFV2|OSPFV2iOSPF 268698624 Packet received with unexpected authentication type 2020-10-28:03:14.20.371503|hpe-routing|LOG_WARN|AMM|1/5|OSPFV2|OSPFV2|Expected authentication type = 0
Which statement is true about the above events?
The customer is already using Aruba Gateway and third-party L2 switches New ArubaOS CX 6300 switches have been deployed for R&D. which have a requirement for user profiling and tunneled traffic between ArubaOS CX 6300 and Aruba Gateway
What is required for this configuration to apply QoS user-based rules for the R&D client traffic?
With the given access-list:
Which statement is true about hardware resource consumption of this ACL?
A customer would like to utilize some ArubaOS-CX 8325 switches to discard unwanted traffic to the IP address 10 20.30 40.
You enter the following command on the switch:
Ip route blac
What will be the result?