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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by HP in their HPE2-T37 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their HP Using HPE OneView exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the HPE2-T37 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
After replacing a failed Compute Module, you notice the server profile Is not automatically assigned to the replaced server hardware. What can cause this issue?
Within HPE OneView you can configure SNMPv1 read community string.
What is the purpose of this feature?
Your customer has HPE ProLiant servers deployed and managed using HPE OneView. They plan to add a few HPE Synergy frames to support if realization workload. They plan to manage HPE Synergy frames using HPE OneView.
Which statement about this environment is true?
HPE Synergy frames are managed using the HPE Composer 2, which runs an embedded instance of HPE OneView tailored for Synergy infrastructure. This means that while HPE OneView is used to manage both ProLiant servers and Synergy frames, the Synergy frames require management through the Composer's embedded OneView instance, not the external OneView appliance used for ProLiant servers.
HPE Synergy Management Guide: Explains that HPE Composer with embedded HPE OneView is used for managing Synergy frames.
HPE Synergy Infrastructure: Details how HPE Synergy is managed using HPE OneView via the Composer module.
Your customer plans to update HPE OneView to the latest version. They want to know, what will happen during an appliance reboot How should you respond?
When the HPE OneView appliance is rebooted or offline, it does not affect the managed resources. Servers, storage systems, and networking devices continue to operate normally. The appliance serves as a management interface, and its availability is not required for the ongoing operation of the infrastructure. However, management tasks cannot be performed until the appliance is back online.
Option A: The appliance being offline does not impact network or storage traffic.
Option B: Servers are not placed into maintenance mode automatically.
Option D: The iLO processors remain accessible directly; the appliance's status does not affect iLO accessibility.
HPE OneView Upgrade Guide: States that managed resources continue to function during an appliance reboot.
HPE OneView High Availability Features: Explains the impact of appliance downtime on managed resources.
Your customer asks you if it is possible to perform HPE Synergy initial setup remotely. How should you respond?