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When designing new server environments, you need to determine the maximum equipment wattage and thermal requirements at the unit (chassis) and rack level.
Which HPE tool should be used?
This is a tool that helps you estimate power consumption and thermal output for HPE servers, storage, and networking products. You can use it to design new server environments or validate existing ones by selecting the products and configurations you want and generating a detailed report that shows the power and cooling requirements at the unit and rack level.
A customer needs Help setting up their bootable logical drive/volume, checking online drive firmware activation readiness, and managing device identification LEDS
What HPE tool should you recommend?
the HPE Smart Storage Administrator (SSA) is a web-based application that helps you configure, manage, diagnose, and monitor HPE ProLiant Smart Array Controllers and now other storage devices as well, such as host bus adapters (HBAs), HPE Storage controllers, and future devices such as SCSI Express drives, and SAS switch devices.
Some of the features of the HPE SSA include:
Creating a bootable logical drive
Checking online drive firmware activation readiness
Managing device identification LEDs
Configuring drive erase
Creating and managing arrays and logical drives
Viewing controller and drive status and health information
Updating controller firmware
An RFP states that the database server requires two processors out must De available to scale to four inside a 2U chassis.
Which server would satisfy the customer requirements?
Your customer has several HPE Nimble Adaptive Flash arrays deployed in the field that are aging and need a refresh. You need to gather information to correctly size the new storage arrays. The information must include the storage IOPS, throughput, latency, storage growth, and data efficiency.
What tool should you use to perform this task without deploying any software on the existing environment?
your customer has a small once with five employees and needs a tower server tor a File & print workload.
Which server series should they use?