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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by HP in their HPE0-V17 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their HP Creating HPE Data Protection Solutions exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the HPE0-V17 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Your customer warns compliance with 3-2-1 data protection best practices. You tell the customer about the HPE StoreOnce replication options to copy backup data to multiple locations.
Is this a valid statement regarding HPE StoreOnce data mobility?
Solution:Multiple source StoreOnce Systems can replicate VT libraries lo a single target StoreOnce System
A customer has deployed a hyperconverged environment based on HPE Simplivity at a number of their sites.
Before migrating workloads to the environment, you ask them about the backup policies In an HPE simpliVity solution to protect the actual data is this a design consideration that you should mention to your customer?
Solution:The preference of COW (Copy-On-Write) or ROW (Redirect-On-Write) -based snapshots
Your customer wants a suggestion for protection against ransomware.
Is this an appropriate suggestion regarding backup targets and their protection against ransomware?
Solution: You suggest tape drives or tape libraries with a tape rotation scheme where tapes are being physically moved to a vault at regular times.
Your customers current data protection solution Is based on HPE Nimble storage and HPE StoreOnce In combination with Veeam software The customer wants to Know how to Integrate a new SAP HANA solution Into the current data protection solution
Does this statement provide a valid recommendation?
Solution:Integrate SAP HANABancKint with HPE Nimble Storage arrays, which allows you to take application consistent snapshot from within SAP HANA on the storage array where the databases are stored.
Is this a correct statement about the use oT Library & Tape Tools (L&TT) In combination with an HPE StoreEver tape library?
Solution: If the customer experiences a problem with a storage product. L&TT can generate a support ticket or report that includes essential information for troubleshooting the problem and sends this automatically to HPE infosight.