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A client needs a data center network for a highly-virtualized server environment. They have the following requirements
* 25 Gb connectivity from the servers to the top-of-rack switches
* support for iSCSl storage
* lowest possible latency between their VM farms, which are contained In separate cabinets and connected to different top-of-rack switches within the data center
* support for Python script interpretation and open APIs
Which networking product line and architecture should you recommend?
A customer recently installed a VMware environment with HPE ProLiants, HPE MSA storage, and Aruba switches.
What should you recommend to the customer to manage their support contracts with HPE?
A customer needs to update a server's firmware using the latest Support Pack for ProLiant (SPP). They use a bootable USB flash drive to do so, and they select Interactive Mode on boot. Once the device boots, they are unsure how to proceed and ask for your assistance.
What can you tell them to do to easily update the firmware?
Read the question, and then refer to the exhibit.
An administrator connected a hypervisor to interface Ten-Gigabit Ethernet1/0/1 in a switch. The administrator created virtual machines in VLAN 10 and 20 on the hypervisor. These VLANs are configured to be tagged on the hypervisor.
The administrator found that all the virtual machines within VLAN 20 can communicate with each other, but not to any resource on VLAN 20 outside the hypervisor.
What must you do to resolve this issue?
Which HPE MSA storage feature enables tuning the tier-migration algorithm for a virtual volume when creating or modifying the volume?