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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by HP in their HP2-I73 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their HP Selling HP Retail and Hospitality Solutions 2024 exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the HP2-I73 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
A customer is looking for a lightweight and compact mobile clientelling solution. Why would the HP Engage Go 10" be the best fit for this customer? (Select three.)
The HP Engage Go 10' is an excellent fit for a lightweight and compact mobile clientelling solution due to several key features:
1. 9-hour battery life: Provides sufficient power for a full retail day, ensuring continuous operation without frequent recharging.
2. Optional rugged case: Offers protection against drops, providing peace of mind in busy retail environments where accidents are more likely.
3. Lightweight design: Weighing only 767 grams, it is easy to carry and handle, making it convenient for mobile use
Which options are offered by HP Engage Express across the world? (Select three.)
The HP Engage Express offers several options to cater to different customer needs across the world:
1. Integrated printer: An integrated printer option helps streamline the point-of-sale process by providing printing capabilities directly within the kiosk.
2. Screen sizes: The kiosk is available in various screen sizes, allowing businesses to choose the size that best fits their operational needs and customer interaction requirements.
3. Countertop or pedestal: The flexibility of having countertop or pedestal installation options allows businesses to deploy the kiosks in various environments and spaces, enhancing their versatility
Which screen sizes are available for the HP Engage One Pro? (Select three.)
The HP Engage One Pro is available in three screen sizes:
* 15.6 inches
* 19.5 inches
* 23.8 inches
These options allow businesses to choose the display size that best fits their specific operational needs and space requirements
What gives you all the links to assets for a given HP Engage product?
The HP Asset Hub is the primary resource for accessing all the links to assets for a given HP Engage product. It provides a comprehensive repository of marketing materials, product images, videos, and other essential digital assets required for promoting and supporting HP products. This centralized platform ensures that partners and marketers have easy access to the most up-to-date and relevant resources
A customer is looking for a platform that is glove touch capable, IP rated, can be VESA mounted, and works on Android. Which device would you recommend?
For a customer looking for a platform that is glove touch capable, IP rated, can be VESA mounted, and works on Android, the HP Engage One Pro is the ideal recommendation. This device offers:
* Glove touch capability: Ensures that the touchscreen can be used while wearing gloves, which is essential in many healthcare and industrial environments.
* IP rating: Provides a level of protection against dust and water, making it suitable for rigorous environments.
* VESA mount compatibility: Allows for flexible mounting options on walls, arms, or stands, facilitating various installation configurations.
* Android OS: Supports Android 11, providing a familiar and versatile operating system for various applications