When using Integrated Storage, which of the following should you do to recover from possible data loss?
What is the Vault CLI command to query information about the token the client is currently using?
Which of the following describes usage of an identity group?
An identity group is a collection of entities that share some common attributes. An identity group can have one or more policies attached to it, which are inherited by all the members of the group. An identity group can also have subgroups, which can further refine the policies and attributes for a subset of entities.
Which of these is not a benefit of dynamic secrets?
Dynamic secrets are generated on-demand by Vault and have a limited time-to-live (TTL). They do not ensure that administrators can see every password used, as they are often encrypted and ephemeral. The benefits of dynamic secrets are:
They support systems that do not natively provide a method of expiring credentials, such as databases, cloud providers, SSH, etc. Vault can revoke the credentials when they are no longer needed or when the lease expires.
They minimize the damage of credentials leaking, as they are short-lived and can be easily rotated or revoked. If a credential is compromised, the attacker has a limited window of opportunity to use it before it becomes invalid.
They replace cumbersome password rotation tools and practices, as Vault can handle the generation and revocation of credentials automatically and securely. This reduces the operational overhead and complexity of managing secrets.