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Given the Terraform configuration below, in which order will the resources be created?
1. resource "aws_instance" "web_server" {
2. ami = "i-abdce12345"
3. instance_type = "t2.micro"
4. }
5. resource "aws_eip" "web_server_ip" {
6. vpc = true
7. instance =
8. }
The aws_instance will be created first, and then aws_eip will be created second due to the aws_eip's resource dependency of the aws_instance id
Which auth method is ideal for machine to machine authentication?
The ideal method for a machine to machine authentication is AppRole although it's not the only method. The other options are frequently reserved for human access.
Reference link:-
Terraform Enterprise (also referred to as pTFE) requires what type of backend database for a clustered deployment?
External Services mode stores the majority of the stateful data used by the instance in an external PostgreSQL database and an external S3-compatible endpoint or Azure blob storage. There are still critical data stored on the instance that must be managed with snapshots. Be sure to check the PostgreSQL Requirements for information that needs to be present for Terraform Enterprise to work. This option is best for users with expertise managing PostgreSQL or users that have access to managed PostgreSQL offerings like AWS RDS.
Which two interfaces automatically assume the token for subsequent requests after successfully authenticating? (select two)
After authenticating, the UI and CLI automatically assume the token for all subsequent requests. The API, however, requires the user to extract the token from the server response after authenticating in order to send with subsequent requests.
Why might a user opt to include the following snippet in their configuration file?
1. terraform {
2. required_version = ">= 0.12"
3. }
You can use required_version to ensure that a user deploying infrastructure is using Terraform 0.12 or greater, due to the vast number of changes that were introduced. As a result, many previously written configurations had to be converted or rewritten.