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You recently developed a wide and deep model in TensorFlow. You generated training datasets using a SQL script that preprocessed raw data in BigQuery by performing instance-level transformations of the dat
a. You need to create a training pipeline to retrain the model on a weekly basis. The trained model will be used to generate daily recommendations. You want to minimize model development and training time. How should you develop the training pipeline?
TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a platform for building end-to-end machine learning pipelines using TensorFlow. TFX provides a set of components that can be orchestrated using either the TFX SDK or Kubeflow Pipelines. TFX components can handle different aspects of the pipeline, such as data ingestion, data validation, data transformation, model training, model evaluation, model serving, and more. TFX components can also leverage other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, Dataflow, and Vertex AI.
Why not A: Using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK to implement the pipeline is a valid option, but using the BigQueryJobOp component to run the preprocessing script is not optimal. This would require writing and maintaining a separate SQL script for data transformation, which could introduce inconsistencies and errors. It would also make it harder to reuse the same preprocessing logic for both training and serving.
Why not B: Using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK to implement the pipeline is a valid option, but using the DataflowPythonJobOp component to preprocess the data is not optimal. This would require writing and maintaining a separate Python script for data transformation, which could introduce inconsistencies and errors. It would also make it harder to reuse the same preprocessing logic for both training and serving.
Why not D: Using the TensorFlow Extended SDK to implement the pipeline is a valid option, but implementing the preprocessing steps as part of the input_fn of the model is not optimal. This would make the preprocessing logic tightly coupled with the model code, which could reduce modularity and flexibility. It would also make it harder to reuse the same preprocessing logic for both training and serving.
You work for a retail company. You have been asked to develop a model to predict whether a customer will purchase a product on a given day. Your team has processed the company's sales data, and created a table with the following rows:
* Customer_id
* Product_id
* Date
* Days_since_last_purchase (measured in days)
* Average_purchase_frequency (measured in 1/days)
* Purchase (binary class, if customer purchased product on the Date)
You need to interpret your models results for each individual prediction. What should you do?
You work on a growing team of more than 50 data scientists who all use Al Platform. You are designing a strategy to organize your jobs, models, and versions in a clean and scalable way. Which strategy should you choose?
Your company manages a video sharing website where users can watch and upload videos. You need to
create an ML model to predict which newly uploaded videos will be the most popular so that those videos can be prioritized on your company's website. Which result should you use to determine whether the model is successful?
In this scenario, the goal is to create an ML model to predict which newly uploaded videos will be the most popular on a video sharing website. The result that should be used to determine whether the model is successful is the one that best aligns with the business objective and the evaluation metric. Option C is the correct answer because it defines the most popular videos as the ones that have the highest watch time within 30 days of being uploaded, and it sets a high accuracy threshold of 95% for the model prediction.
Option C: The model predicts 95% of the most popular videos measured by watch time within 30 days of being uploaded. This option is the best result for the scenario because it reflects the business objective and the evaluation metric. The business objective is to prioritize the videos that will attract and retain the most viewers on the website. The watch time is a good indicator of the viewer engagement and satisfaction, as it measures how long the viewers watch the videos. The 30-day window is a reasonable time frame to capture the popularity trend of the videos, as it accounts for the initial interest and the viral potential of the videos. The 95% accuracy threshold is a high standard for the model prediction, as it means that the model can correctly identify 95 out of 100 of the most popular videos based on the watch time metric.
Option A: The model predicts videos as popular if the user who uploads them has over 10,000 likes. This option is not a good result for the scenario because it does not reflect the business objective or the evaluation metric. The business objective is to prioritize the videos that will be the most popular on the website, not the users who upload them. The number of likes that a user has is not a good indicator of the popularity of their videos, as it does not measure the viewer engagement or satisfaction with the videos. Moreover, this option does not specify a time frame or an accuracy threshold for the model prediction, making it vague and unreliable.
Option B: The model predicts 97.5% of the most popular clickbait videos measured by number of clicks. This option is not a good result for the scenario because it does not reflect the business objective or the evaluation metric. The business objective is to prioritize the videos that will be the most popular on the website, not the videos that have the most misleading or sensational titles or thumbnails. The number of clicks that a video has is not a good indicator of the popularity of the video, as it does not measure the viewer engagement or satisfaction with the video content. Moreover, this option only focuses on the clickbait videos, which may not represent the majority or the diversity of the videos on the website.
Option D: The Pearson correlation coefficient between the log-transformed number of views after 7 days and 30 days after publication is equal to 0. This option is not a good result for the scenario because it does not reflect the business objective or the evaluation metric. The business objective is to prioritize the videos that will be the most popular on the website, not the videos that have the most consistent or inconsistent number of views over time. The Pearson correlation coefficient is a metric that measures the linear relationship between two variables, not the popularity of the videos. A correlation coefficient of 0 means that there is no linear relationship between the log-transformed number of views after 7 days and 30 days, which does not indicate whether the videos are popular or not. Moreover, this option does not specify a threshold or a target value for the correlation coefficient, making it meaningless and irrelevant.
You want to rebuild your ML pipeline for structured data on Google Cloud. You are using PySpark to conduct data transformations at scale, but your pipelines are taking over 12 hours to run. To speed up development and pipeline run time, you want to use a serverless tool and SQL syntax. You have already moved your raw data into Cloud Storage. How should you build the pipeline on Google Cloud while meeting the speed and processing requirements?
BigQuery is a serverless, scalable, and cost-effective data warehouse that allows users to run SQL queries on large volumes of data. BigQuery Load is a tool that can ingest data from Cloud Storage into BigQuery tables. BigQuery SQL is a dialect of SQL that supports many of the same functions and operations as PySpark, such as window functions, aggregate functions, joins, and subqueries. By using BigQuery Load and BigQuery SQL, you can rebuild your ML pipeline for structured data on Google Cloud without having to manage any servers or clusters, and with faster performance and lower cost than using PySpark on Dataproc. You can also use BigQuery ML to create and evaluate ML models using SQL commands.Reference: