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What are the two types of environment protection rules you can configure? (Choose two.)
Required reviewers is a protection rule where you can specify that certain individuals or teams must review and approve the workflow run before it can proceed. This is used to enforce approvals before certain steps or environments are accessed.
Wait timer is a protection rule that introduces a delay before a workflow can proceed to the next stage. This is useful for adding time-based constraints to the deployment process or ensuring that certain conditions are met before a workflow continues.
Which of the following commands will set the $FOO environment variable within a script, so that it may be used in subsequent workflow job steps?
The $GITHUB_ENV environment variable is used to set environment variables that persist across steps in a workflow job. By echoing FOO=bar into $GITHUB_ENV, the variable FOO will be available in subsequent steps within the same job.
As a developer, you are optimizing a GitHub workflow that uses and produces many different files. You need to determine when to use caching versus workflow artifacts. Which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
Caching is ideal for files that change rarely, such as dependencies or build outputs, as it speeds up subsequent workflow runs by reusing previously cached files instead of re-downloading or rebuilding them.
Artifacts are used for persisting files produced during a job that need to be used in later jobs or after the workflow has ended, allowing them to be downloaded or referenced later.
What are the two ways to pass data between jobs? (Choose two.)
Job outputs are used to pass data from one job to another in a workflow. A job can produce output values (like variables or files), which can be referenced by subsequent jobs using the needs keyword and ${{ steps.step_id.outputs.output_name }} syntax.
Artifact storage allows data (such as files or results) to be saved by a job and then retrieved by another job in a later step. This is commonly used for passing large amounts of data or files between jobs.
As a DevOps engineer, you are trying to leverage an organization secret in a repo. The value received in the workflow is not the same as that set in the secret. What is the most likely reason for the difference?
GitHub secrets are defined at different levels: organization, repository, and sometimes at the workflow level. If a secret is defined at both the organization level and the repository level, the repository-level secret will take precedence. So, if the value of the secret differs between these levels, the workflow will use the value from the repository level instead of the organization level.