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Which of the following Netcat commands would be used to perform a UDP scan of the lower 1024 ports?
The proper syntax for a UDP scan using Netcat is 'Netcat -u -v -w2 <host> 1-1024'. Netcat is considered the Swiss-army knife of hacking tools because it is so versatile.
The use of technologies like IPSec can help guarantee the followinG. authenticity, integrity, confidentiality and
Snort has been used to capture packets on the network. On studying the packets, the penetration tester finds it to be abnormal. If you were the penetration tester, why would you find this abnormal? What is odd about this attack? (Choose the most appropriate statement)
Port 31337 is normally used by Back Orifice. Note that 31337 is hackers spelling of 'elite', meaning 'elite hackers'.
Which of the following lists are valid data-gathering activities associated with a risk assessment?
You want to use netcat to generate huge amount of useless network data continuously for various performance testing between 2 hosts. Which of the following commands accomplish this?
Machine A is setting up a listener on port 2222 using the nc command andthen having the letter A sent an infinite amount of times, when yes is used to send data yes NEVER stops until it recieves a break signal from the terminal (Control+C), on the client end (machine B), nc is being used as a client to connect to machine A, sending the letter B and infinite amount of times, while both clients have established a TCP connection each client is infinitely sending data to each other, this process will run FOREVER until it has been stopped by an administrator or the attacker.