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Choose the malicious code which can distribute itself without using having to attach to a host file.
A worm is a type of malicious code that can distribute itself without using having to attach to a host file. Unlike a virus, which needs to infect an existing program or file to spread, a worm can create copies of itself and send them to other devices through a network. A worm can consume network bandwidth, slow down the system performance, or deliver a payload that can damage or compromise the security of the infected device. According to the CITM study guide, a worm is ''a self-replicating program that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself'' (p. 70). Some examples of worms are Stuxnet, Conficker, and Blaster.Reference:
CITM Study Guide, Chapter 5: Information Security, pp. 69-71
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Which Strategy is much like the multinational as there are autonomous local subsidiaries?
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