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Bob reads an article about how insecure wireless networks can be. He gets approval from his management to implement a policy of not allowing any wireless devices on the network. What other steps does Bob have to take in order to successfully implement this? (Select 2 answer.)
If someone installs a access point and connect it to the network there is no way to find it unless you are constantly surveying the area for wireless devices. SNMP and firewalls can not prevent the installation of wireless devices on the corporate network.
The precaution of prohibiting employees from bringing personal computing devices into a facility is what type of security control?
If an attacker's computer sends an IPID of 24333 to a zombie (Idle Scanning) computer on a closed port, what will be the response?
Scanning for services is an easy job for Bob as there are so many tools available from the Internet. In order for him to check the vulnerability of XYZ, he went through a few scanners that are currently available. Here are the scanners that he uses:
1. Axent's NetRecon (
2. SARA, by Advanced Research Organization (
3. VLAD the Scanner, by Razor (
However, there are many other alternative ways to make sure that the services that have been scanned will be more accurate and detailed for Bob.
What would be the best method to accurately identify the services running on a victim host?
By running a telnet connection to the open ports you will receive banners that tells you what service is answering on that specific port.
The following is a sample of output from a penetration tester's machine targeting a machine with the IP address of
What is most likely taking place?