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Which two statements reflect the benefits of implementing the ADVPN solution to replace conventional VPN topologies? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibits.
Exhibit A -
Exhibit B -
Exhibit A shows the SD-WAN performance SLA and exhibit B shows the SD-WAN member status, the routing table, and the performance SLA status.
If port2 is detected dead by FortiGate, what is the expected behavior?
This is due to Update static route is enable which removes the static route entry referencing the interface if the interface is dead
Refer to the exhibits.
Exhibit A shows the SD-WAN rule status and the learned BGP routes with community 65000:10.
Exhibit B shows the SD-WAN rule configuration, the BGP neighbor configuration, and the route map configuration.
The administrator wants to steer corporate traffic using routes tags in the SD-WAN rule ID 1.
However, the administrator observes that the corporate traffic does not match the SD-WAN rule ID 1.
Based on the exhibits, which configuration change is required to fix issue?
Which two statements are true about using SD-WAN to steer local-out traffic? (Choose two.)
Refer to the exhibit, which shows the IPsec phase 1 configuration of a spoke.
What must you configure on the IPsec phase 1 configuration for ADVPN to work with SD-WAN?