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Which two Amazon Web Services (AWS) features do you use for the transit virtual private cloud (VPC) automation process to add new spoke N/PCs? (Choose two )
Refer to the exhibit
An administrator deployed a FortiGate-VM in a high availability (HA)
(active/passive) architecture in Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Terraform
for testing purposes. At the same time, the administrator deployed a single
Linux server using AWS Marketplace
Which two options are available for the administrator to delete all the resources
created in this test? (Choose two.)
The other options are incorrect because:
You are adding more spoke VPCs to an existing hub and spoke topology Your goal is to finish this task in the minimum amount of time without making errors.
Which Amazon AWS services must you subscribe to accomplish your goal?
The correct answer is D. CloudWatch and S3.
CloudWatch: A monitoring and observability service that collects and processes events from various AWS resources, including Transit Gateway attachments and route tables.
S3: A scalable object storage service that can store the configuration files and logs generated by the Lambda function.
The other AWS services mentioned in the options are not required for this task. GuardDuty is a threat detection service that monitors for malicious and unauthorized behavior to help protect AWS accounts and workloads. WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect web applications from common web exploits. Inspector is a security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service that can store various types of data.
1: GitHub - fortinet/aws-lambda-tgw
You are using Red Hat Ansible to change the FortiGate VM configuration.
What is the minimum number of files you must create and which file must you use to configure the target FortiGate IP address?
In using Red Hat Ansible for changing the configuration of a FortiGate VM, the minimum number of files you must create and the file to configure the target FortiGate IP address are:
B . Create two files and use the hosts file.
Ansible Playbook File (YAML): The playbook file, which is typically a YAML file, contains the desired states and tasks that Ansible will execute on the target hosts.
Inventory File (Hosts): The inventory file, commonly named hosts, is where you define the target machines, including the FortiGate VM's IP address. Ansible uses this file to determine on which machines to run the playbook.
By creating these two files, you will have the necessary components to configure Ansible for the deployment. The playbook contains the automation tasks, and the hosts file lists the machines where those tasks will be executed.
Refer to the exhibit
An administrator deployed an HA active-active load balance sandwich in Microsoft Azure. The setup requires configuration synchronization between devices-
What are two outcomes from the configured settings? (Choose two.)
The other options are incorrect because: