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Other certification materials providers often include outdated or removed questions by Fortinet in their Fortinet NSE7_OTS-6.4 exam. These outdated questions lead to customers failing their Fortinet NSE 7 - OT Security 6.4 exam. In contrast, we ensure our questions bank includes only precise and up-to-date questions, guaranteeing their presence in your actual exam. Our main priority is your success in the Fortinet NSE7_OTS-6.4 exam, not profiting from selling obsolete exam questions in PDF or Online Practice Test.
Refer to the exhibit.
Based on the Purdue model, which three measures can be implemented in the control area zone using the Fortinet Security Fabric? (Choose three.)
An OT network architect needs to secure control area zones with a single network access policy to provision devices to any number of different networks.
On which device can this be accomplished?
An OT network architect can accomplish the goal of securing control area zones with a single network access policy to provision devices to any number of different networks on a FortiGate device.
An OT administrator is defining an incident notification policy using FortiSIEM and would like to configure the system with a notification policy. If an incident occurs, the administrator would like to be able to intervene and block an IP address or disable a user in Active Directory from FortiSIEM.
Which step must the administrator take to achieve this task?
Refer to the exhibit.
An OT administrator ran a report to identify device inventory in an OT network.
Based on the report results, which report was run?
Refer to the exhibit.
An OT architect has implemented a Modbus TCP with a simulation server Conpot to identify and control the Modus traffic in the OT network. The FortiGate-Edge device is configured with a software switch interface ssw-01.
Based on the topology shown in the exhibit, which two statements about the successful simulation of traffic between client and server are true? (Choose two.)