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Refer to the exhibit, which shows the output of diagnose sys session list.
If the HA ID for the primary device is 0. what happens if the primary fails and the secondary becomes the primary?
Session Synchronization:
FortiGate HA (High Availability) ensures that active sessions are synchronized between the primary and secondary devices. This synchronization allows for seamless failover and continuity of sessions.
Handling NAT Sessions:
The session in the exhibit has NAT applied, as indicated by the hook=post dir=org act=snat entry. FortiGate's HA setup is designed to handle such sessions, ensuring that traffic continues without interruption during failover.
Session Preservation:
Even with the presence of NAT, the session state is preserved across the HA devices. This means that ongoing sessions do not require re-establishment by the client, thus providing a seamless experience.
Fortinet Documentation: HA session synchronization and failover
Fortinet Community: Understanding session synchronization in FortiGate HA
Which statement is correct regarding LDAP authentication using the regular bind type?
LDAP Authentication Process:
The regular bind type for LDAP authentication involves multiple steps to verify user credentials.
Step 1: The client sends a bind request with the username to the LDAP server.
Step 2: The LDAP server responds to the bind request.
Step 3: The client sends a bind request with the password.
Step 4: The LDAP server responds, confirming or denying the authentication.
Explanation of Answer:
The regular bind type follows these four steps to authenticate a user, making it a comprehensive method but not necessarily the easiest to configure.
The statement regarding sAMAccountName and super_admin account requirements are not accurate in the context of regular bind type LDAP authentication on FortiOS.
Fortinet Network Security 7.2 Support Engineer Documentation
FortiOS LDAP Authentication Configuration Guides
What are two functions of automation stitches? (Choose two.)
Automation Stitches Overview:
Automation stitches in FortiOS allow administrators to automate responses to specific events, such as running diagnostic commands or taking corrective actions when certain thresholds are exceeded.
Diagnostic Commands and Alerts:
Automation stitches can be configured to run diagnostic commands and attach the results to email alerts. This is useful for monitoring and troubleshooting purposes, particularly when CPU or memory usage exceeds set thresholds.
Sequential Execution with Parameters:
When actions are executed sequentially, each action can take parameters from the previous action as input. This enables more complex workflows and automation sequences where the output of one action influences the next.
Refer to the exhibit, which shows the omitted output of FortiOS kernel slabs.
Which statement is true?
Kernel Slabs Overview:
The slab allocator in the Linux kernel is used for efficient memory management. It groups objects of the same type into caches, which are divided into slabs.
Each slab contains multiple objects and helps to minimize fragmentation and enhance memory allocation efficiency.
Interpreting the Exhibit:
The exhibit shows output related to various kernel slab caches.
The line for ip6_session indicates that there are 1300 kB allocated for this slab, which means the total memory size allocated for IPv6 session objects in the kernel is 1300 kB.
Linux Kernel Documentation: Slab Allocator details (Hammertux).
Refer to the exhibit, which shows the omitted output of diagnose npu np6 port-list on a FortiGate1500D.
An administrator is unable to analyze traffic flowing between port1 and port7 using the diagnose sniffer command.
Which two commands allow the administrator to view the traffic? (Choose two.)
Diagnose NPU NP6 Port-list Disable Command:
The diagnose npu np6 port-list disable command disables specific ports on the NP6 processor. This can help in cases where you need to analyze traffic and the hardware offloading is interfering.
Command: diagnose npu np6 port-list disable 5 17 (as shown in Option A).
Diagnose NPU NP6 Fastpath Disable Command:
Disabling the fastpath feature on NP6 can also allow for better visibility into the traffic as it bypasses hardware acceleration, which might obscure traffic details.
Command: diagnose npu np6 fastpath disable 0 (as shown in Option C).
Fortinet Documentation on Troubleshooting BGP and NPU Settings (Fortinet Docs).
Fortinet Community Technical Notes on NPU and Traffic Analysis (Welcome to the Fortinet Community!).